miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012

River Song's Timeline

Sabra and Shatila file

 Sabra and Shatila file 

 أحداث المجزرة The events of the massacre

مقتبسة من الشكوى المقدمة إلى القضاء البلجيكي ضد رئيس وزراء إسرائيل، اريئيل شارون، وضد عاموس يارون وآخرين، إسرائيليين ولبنانيين متورطين في ارتكاب مذبحة صبرا وشاتيلا قام عناصر من الكتائب اللبنانية المتحالفة مع إسرائيل، ولمدة أربعين ساعة بين 16-18 أيلول 1982، باغتصاب وقتل وجرح عدد كبير من المدنيين الفلسطينيين العزل داخل مخيمات صبرا وشاتيلا المحاصرة؛ أغلبية الضحايا كانت من الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن. Adapted from a complaint submitted to the Belgian courts against Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, and against Amos Yaron and others, Israelis and Lebanese involved in the massacre of Sabra and Shatila has elements of the Lebanese Phalange allied with Israel, and for forty hours of 16-18 September 1982, raping, killing and wounding a large number of unarmed Palestinian civilians in the camps of Sabra and Shatila besieged; majority of the victims were children, women and the elderly. ويترواح عدد ضحايا المجزرة ما بين 700- 3500 ضحية. And ranges the number of victims of the massacre between 700 - 3500 victim.
بعد صمود القوات الفلسطينية والقوات الوطنية اللبنانية لمدة شهرين، قام المبعوث الأمريكي فيليب حبيب بالتوسط بين الطرفين، وقد توصل الأطراف إلى اتفاق نص على انسحاب منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية من بيروت تحت إشراف قوات متعددة الجنسية والتي ستحل مكان قوات المنظمة. After the steadfastness of the Palestinian forces and the Lebanese national forces for two months, the U.S. envoy Philip Habib to mediate between the parties, the parties have reached an agreement about the withdrawal of the PLO from Beirut under the supervision of the multinational forces and the forces which will place the organization.
وقد تضمنت اتفاقية حبيب تسليم بيروت الغربية للجيش اللبناني، وتعهد حبيب باسم دولته ( الإدارة الأمريكية) بضمان سلامة المدنيين الفلسطينيين في المخيمات بعد خروج القوات الفلسطينية منها. The agreement included Habib delivery of West Beirut to the Lebanese army, and vowed to Habib on behalf of his country (the U.S. administration) to ensure the safety of Palestinian civilians in the camps after the departure of Palestinian forces. انتهت عملية إخراج عناصر منظمة التحرير من بيروت في 1 أيلول 1982 . Process ended output elements of the PLO from Beirut on September 1, 1982.

في 10 أيلول 1982 تركت القوات متعددة الجنسية بيروت، في اليوم التالي أعلن شارون أن" 2000 إرهابي قد بقوا في مخيمات اللاجئين الفلسطينيين في منطقة بيروت." September 10, 1982 left the MNF Beirut, in the next day, Sharon announced that the "2000 terrorist had stayed in the Palestinian refugee camps in Beirut."

في يوم الأربعاء 15 أيلول، اليوم الذي تلا اغتيال الرئيس بشير جميل، قامت القوات الإسرائيلية باحتلال بيروت الغربية ومحاصرة مخيمات صبرا وشاتيلا، بعد أن اخرج جميع أعضاء المقاومة المسلحة وتعدادهم تقريبا 14000 مقاتل من بيروت وضواحيها، والذين كانوا يضمنون امن وأمان أهالي المخيمات. On Wednesday September 15, the day after the assassination of President Bashir Gemayel, Israeli forces occupy West Beirut and surrounded camps of Sabra and Shatila, after the exit of all the members of the armed resistance and numbering nearly 14,000 fighters from Beirut and its suburbs, and who guarantee the security and safety people camps.

يتفق المؤرخون والصحفيون أن الاتفاق بين القيادة العسكرية الإسرائيلية وحزب الكتائب اللبناني لتنظيف المخيمات الفلسطينية تم في اجتماع بين ارئيل شارون وبشير الجميل في بكفيه بتاريخ 12 أيلول. Historians and journalists agree that the agreement between the Israeli military command and the Lebanese Phalange Party to clean up the Palestinian camps were at a meeting between Ariel Sharon and Bashir Gemayel in his hands on September 12.

صرح شارون في 9 أيلول انه كان ينوي إدخال قوات الكتائب إلى بيروت الغربية، ويؤكد في كتاب مذكراته انه ناقش العملية مع الجميل في اجتماع بكفيه. Sharon said on September 9 that he had intended to enter Phalange forces to West Beirut, and stresses in the book of his memoirs that he had discussed the process with a beautiful in his hands meeting.

في تصريحاته للكنيست بتاريخ 22 أيلول 1982، صرح شارون أن قرار دخول الكتائب للمخيمات تم يوم الأربعاء 15 أيلول 1982 في الساعة الثالثة والنصف عصرا. In his remarks to the Knesset on 22 September 1982, Sharon said that the decision to enter the camps battalions were on Wednesday 15 September 1982 at half past three in the afternoon. صرح شارون أيضا للجنة كاهان الإسرائيلية التي قامت بتقصي حقائق المجزرة انه قد اصدر القرار التالي للقيادة العسكرية الإسرائيلية " يمنع على الجيش الإسرائيلي دخول المخيمات؛ لأن الكتائب والقوات اللبنانية ستقوم بعملية تنظيف المخيمات." Sharon also told the Israeli Kahan Commission, which has investigate the facts of the massacre that he had issued the following resolution to the Israeli military leadership "to prevent Israeli security forces from entering the camps; because the Phalange and the Lebanese Forces will the process of cleaning the camps."

عندما حل فجر يوم 15 أيلول 1982، حلقت طائرات سلاح الجو الإسرائيلي على ارتفاعات منخفضة في سماء بيروت الغربية، وقد أعلنت القوات الإسرائيلية دخولها المنطقة وإحكام السيطرة عليها. When solution dawn on September 15, 1982, flying Israeli Air Force aircraft at low altitudes in the skies of West Beirut, has announced that Israeli forces entered the area and tighten control.

بدءا من الساعة التاسعة صباحا تواجد الجنرال شارون شخصيا لإدارة العملية وتوجيه القوات الإسرائيلية. Starting at nine in the morning, General Sharon personally to manage the process and guide the Israeli forces. وقد كان متمركزا في المنطقة العسكرية على مفرق السفارة الكويتية على حواف مخيم شاتيلا في الطابق السادس من عمارة مطلة على مخيمي صبرا وشاتيلا المجاورين. He was stationed in the military zone on the Kuwait embassy junction on the edges of the Shatila camp on the sixth floor of a building overlooking the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps nearby.

عندما حل منتصف النهار، كان المخيمان محاصرين تماما من قبل القوات الإسرائيلية بجنودها ودباباتها والتي وضعت الحواجز لمراقبة كل من يدخل ويخرج من منطقة المخيمات، ومع بداية عصر اليوم قامت القوات الإسرائيلية بقصف المخيمات بمدفعيتها. When solving the middle of the day, it was completely trapped المخيمان of by Israeli forces in soldiers and tanks and developed to monitor all barriers of entering and exiting from the camps, with the beginning of the afternoon, Israeli forces bombed the camps Bmedfeitha.

في 16 أيلول 1982، كان الجيش الإسرائيلي مسيطرا على بيروت الغربية بالكامل، اصدر المتحدث باسم الجيش الإسرائيلي بيانا صحفيا أعلن فيه أن " الجيش الإسرائيلي يسيطر على جميع النقاط الإستراتيجية في بيروت وان مخيمات اللاجئين المليئة بالإرهابيين محاصرة." On 16 September 1982, the Israeli army was in control of the entire West Beirut, issued a spokesman for the Israeli army issued a press release in which he declared that "the Israeli army controls all strategic points in Beirut and the refugee camps filled with terrorists under siege."

في ساعات الصباح قامت عناصر الجيش الإسرائيلي بالقصف المدفعي للمخيمات من مناطق مرتفعة محيطة بها، وقام القناصة الإسرائيليون بقنص من تواجد في شوارع المخيم. In the morning the Israel Defense Forces shelling of the camps from areas surrounding high, and the Israeli snipers hunting in the streets of the camp.

في منتصف النهار سمحت القيادة العسكرية الإسرائيلية لقوات الكتائب أن تدخل المخيمات. In the middle of the day allowed the Israeli military command of forces Phalange to enter the camps. في الساعة الخامسة مساء دخل ما يقارب 150 عنصر مسلح من حزب الكتائب اللبناني إلى مخيم شاتيلا من الجنوب والجنوب الغربي. At five o'clock in the evening entered nearly 150 armed component of the Lebanese Phalange Party to Shatila camp from the south and south-west.

عندما دخلت قوات الكتائب، اتصل الجنرال دروري بآرئيل شارون واخبره " ان أصدقاءنا يتقدمون في المخيمات، بعدما رتبنا لهم دخولهم." When Phalangist forces entered, contact General Drury Bar'el Sharon and told him that "our friends they get in the camps, after we arranged them their income." فرد عليه شارون: " مبروك! عملية أصدقائنا موافق عليها ". Sharon replied: "Congratulations! Approved the process of our friends."

في الأربعين ساعة التي تلت، قام عناصر الكتائب باغتصاب وقتل وجرح عدد كبير من المدنيين اغلبهم من الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن المحاصرين في المخيمات. In forty hours that followed, the elements of the battalions of raping, killing and wounding a large number of civilians, mostly children, women and the elderly trapped in the camps.

ترافقت هذه الجرائم مع عمليات اختطاف جماعية دعمتها القوات الإسرائيلية والتي أدت إلى اختفاء العشرات والذين لا يزالون في عداد المفقودين. These crimes were accompanied by mass abductions backed Israeli forces and that led to the disappearance of dozens who are still missing.

كانت قيادة الجيش الإسرائيلي على اطلاع كامل بما يجري داخل المخيمات حتى صباح يوم السبت 18 أيلول 1982. The Israeli army leadership fully informed of what is happening inside the camps until the morning of Saturday, September 18, 1982. وكان الضباط المسؤولون يتواصلون بشكل مستمر مع قيادة ميليشيا الكتائب الذين ارتكبوا المجزرة، لكنهم لم يتدخلوا لإيقافها؛ بل على العكس تماما فقد منعوا المدنين من الهروب من المخيمات وساعدوا قوات الكتائب بإضاءة السماء لهم خلال ساعات الليل والصباح الباكر من خلال الانارات العسكرية. The officers were officials communicate regularly with the leadership of the Phalangists who committed the massacre, but they did not intervene to stop it; quite the contrary has prevented civilians from escaping from the camps and helped Phalange forces lit the sky for them during the night hours and early morning through lightings military.

تقديرات عدد ضحايا المجزرة تترواح ما بين 700 (حسب التقرير الرسمي الإسرائيلي)، و3500 حسب تقديرات توصل لها تحقيق الصحفي الإسرائيلي " آمنون كابليوك " . Estimates of the number of victims of the massacre of between 700 (according to the official Israeli report), and 3500 estimates to reach them achieve Israeli journalist the "safe Kepplyuk".

يصعب معرفة عدد الضحايا بدقة لأن هناك 100 شخص تقريبا تم دفنهم في قبور جماعية من قبل الصليب الأحمر في مقابر بيروت من قبل أهاليهم، ولان هناك عددا كبيرا من الجثث التي دفنت تحت ركام البيوت المهدومة من قبل ميليشيا الكتائب أنفسهم، هذا بالإضافة إلى مئات الأشخاص الذين اختطفوا وهم على قيد الحياة إلى أماكن مجهولة ولم يعودوا ولم يعرفهم مصيرهم. Is difficult to know the number of victims accurately because there are almost 100 people were buried in mass graves by the Red Cross in the tombs of Beirut by their parents, and because there are a large number of bodies buried under the rubble of homes demolished by the Phalangists themselves, in addition to the hundreds of people who kidnapped and they are alive to unknown places and did not return and did not know them their fate.

لم يقم المجتمع الدولي أو دولة لبنان أو إسرائيل بتحقيق رسمي في تفاصيل المجزرة. Does not have the international community or the state of Lebanon or Israel official investigation into the details of the massacre. بعد أن خرج 400.000 إسرائيلي ليتظاهروا عند سماع خبر المجزرة من مصادر الاعلام الدولية، عينت الكنيست الإسرائيلي لجنة تحقيق تحت إشراف إسحاق كاهانا في أيلول 1982. After that came out of 400,000 Israeli pretend when you hear the news of the massacre of international media sources, Israeli Knesset appointed a commission of inquiry under the supervision of Isaac Kahane in September 1982. ورغم تقليص صلاحيات هذه اللجنة التي أخذت طابعا سياسيا وليس قانونيا كونها همشت أصوات الضحايا، توصلت إلى استنتاج مفاده أن وزير الدفاع يتحمل مسؤولية شخصية عن المجزرة. Although reducing the powers of this committee, which took a political and not a legal being marginalized voices of the victims, come to the conclusion that the Minister of Defense bears personal responsibility for the massacre.

بعد إصرار اللجنة، وعلى اثر المظاهرات الحاشدة، استقال شارون من منصبه كوزير دفاع ولكنه بقي في الحكومة كوزير دون ملف. After the Commission's insistence, and after mass demonstrations, Sharon resigned as defense minister but remained in the government as a minister without a file.

عدد من مبادرات التحقيق غير الرسمية، ومنها تحقيق شون ماكبرايد واللجنة الاسكندنافية، والتي اعتمدت أغلبيتها على شهادات مستقاة من شهود العيان الغربيون بالإضافة إلى أعمال صحفية وأبحاث تاريخية جمعت كمية من المعلومات المهمة عن المجزرة. A number of initiatives informal investigation, including the achievement of Sean McBride and the Scandinavian Committee, which relied mostly on certificates drawn from eyewitness Western press in addition to the work of historical research collected amount of important information about the massacre.

رغم الإدانة الفاضحة عما سماه مجلس الأمن بالمجزرة الإجرامية واعتبار مجزرة صبرا وشاتيلا من أفظع جرائم القرن العشرين في الذاكرة الجماعية للإنسانية، الا انه لم يتم محاكمة الرجل الذي وجدته حكومته مسؤول بشكل شخصي عن هذه الجريمة، ولا أولئك الذين شاركوه والذين ارتكبوا المجزرة بشكل مباشر، على جريمتهم. Despite condemnation scandalous what he called the Security Council massacre criminal and considered Sabra and Shatila massacre of the worst crimes of the twentieth century in the collective memory of humanity, but no trial the man who found his official to face for this crime, and those who shared and who committed the massacre directly, on crime.

--------------------------- ---------------------------

" أحداث المجزرة" مقتطفات مقتبسة من الشكوى المقدمة إلى القضاء البلجيكي ضد رئيس وزراء إسرائيل، اريئيل شارون، وضد عاموس يارون وآخرين، إسرائيليين ولبنانيين متورطين في ارتكاب مذبحة صبرا وشاتيلا. "Events massacre" extracts quoted from the complaint submitted to the Belgian courts against Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, and against Amos Yaron and others, Israelis and Lebanese involved in the commission of the Sabra and Shatila massacre. للمزيد من المعلومات، انظر: www.indictsharon.net For more information, see: www.indictsharon.net

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domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Confessions of an Ex-Internet Shill

I am writing here to come out of the closet as a paid shill. For a little over six months, I was paid to spread disinformation and argue political points on the Internet...

I quit this job in the latter part of 2011, because I became disgusted with it, and with myself. I realized I couldn't look myself in the mirror anymore. If this confession triggers some kind of retribution against me, so be it. Part of being a real man in this world is having real values that you stand up for, no matter what the consequences.

My story begins in early 2011. I had been out of work for almost a year after losing my last job in tech support. Increasingly desperate and despondent, I jumped at the chance when a former co-worker called me up and said she had a possible lead for me. "It is an unusual job, and one that requires secrecy. But the pay is good. And I know you are a good writer, so its something you are suited for." (Writing has always been a hobby for me). She gave me only a phone-number and an address, in one of the seedier parts of San Francisco, where I live. intrigued, I asked her for the company's URL and some more info. She laughed. "They don't have a website. Or even a name. You'll see. Just tell them I referred you." Yes, it sounded suspicious, but long-term joblessness breeds desperation, and desperation has a funny way of overlooking the suspicious when it comes to putting food on the table.

The next day, I arrived at the address – the third floor in a crumbling building. The appearance of the place did not inspire confidence. After walking down a long, filthy linoleum-covered corridor lit by dimly-flickering halogen, I came to the entrance of the office itself: a crudely battered metal door with a sign that said "United Amalgamated Industries, Inc." I later learned that this "company" changed its name almost monthly, always using bland names like that which gave no strong impression of what the company actually does. Not too hopeful, I went inside. The interior was equally shabby. There were a few long tables with folding chairs, at which about a dozen people were tapping away on old, beat-up computers. There were no decorations or ornaments of any type: not even the standard-issue office fica trees or plastic ferns. What a dump. Well, beggars can't be choosers.

The manager, a balding man in his late forties, rose from the only stand-alone desk in the room and came forward with an easy smile. "You must be Chris. Yvette [my ex-co-worker] told me you'd be coming." [Not our real names]. "Welcome. Let me tell you a little about what we do." No interview, nothing. I later learned they took people based solely on referral, and that the people making the referrals, like my ex-colleague Yvette, were trained to pick out candidates based on several factors including ability to keep one's mouth shut, basic writing skills, and desperation for work.

We sat down at his desk and he began by asking me a few questions about myself and my background, including my political views (which were basically non-existent). Then he began to explain the job. "We work on influencing people's opinions here," is how he described it. The company's clients paid them to post on Internet message boards and popular chartrooms, as well as in gaming forums and social networks like Facebook and MySpace. Who were these clients? "Oh, various people," he said vaguely. "Sometimes private companies, sometimes political groups." Satisfied that my political views were not strong, he said I would be assigned to political work. "The best people for this type of job are people like you, without strong views," he said with a laugh. "It might seem counterintuitive, but actually we've found that to be the case." Well, OK. Fine. As long as it comes with a steady paycheck, I'd believe whatever they wanted me to believe, as the guy in Ghostbusters said.

After discussing pay (which was much better than I'd hoped) and a few other details, he then went over the need for absolute privacy and secrecy. "You can't tell anyone what we do here. Not your wife, not your dog." (I have neither, as it happens.) "We'll give you a cover story and even a phone number and a fake website you can use. You will have to tell people you are a consultant. Since your background is in tech support, that will be your cover job. Is this going to be a problem for you?" I assured him it would not. "Well, OK. Shall we get started?"
"Right now?" I asked, a bit taken aback.
"No time like the present!" he said with a hearty laugh.

The rest of the day was taken up with training. Another staff member, a no-nonsense woman in her thirties, was to be my trainer, and training would only last two days. "You seem like a bright guy, you'll get the hang of it pretty fast, I think," she said. And indeed, the job was easier than I'd imagined. My task was simple: I would be assigned to four different websites, with the goal of entering certain discussions and promoting a certain view. I learned later that some of the personnel were assigned to internet message boards (like me), while others worked on Facebook or chatrooms. It seems these three types of media each have different strategy for shilling, and each shill concentrates on one of the three in particular.
My task? "To support Israel and counter anti-Israeli, anti-Semitic posters." Fine with me. I had no opinions one way or another about Israel, and who likes anti-Semites and Nazis? Not me, anyway. But I didn't know too much about the topic. "That's OK," she said. "You'll pick it up as you go along. For the most part, at first, you will be doing what we call "meme-patrol." This is pretty easy. Later if you show promise, we'll train you for more complex arguments, where more in-depth knowledge is necessary."

She handed me two binders with sheets enclosed in limp plastic. The first was labeled simply "Israel" in magic-marker on the cover, and it had two sections .The first section contained basic background info on the topic. I would have to read and memorize some of this, as time went on. It had internet links for further reading, essays and talking points, and excerpts from some history books. The second, and larger, section was called "Strat" (short for "strategy") with long lists of "dialogue pairs." These were specific responses to specific postings. If a poster wrote something close to "X," we were supposed to respond with something close to "Y." "You have to mix it up a bit, though," said my trainer. "Otherwise it gets too obvious. Learn to use a thesaurus." This section also contained a number of hints for de-railing conversations that went too far away from what we were attempting. These strategies included various forms of personal attacks, complaining to the forum moderators, smearing the characters of our opponents, using images and icons effectively, and even dragging the tone of the conversation down with sexual innuendo, links to pornography, or other such things. "Sometimes we have to fight dirty," or trainer told us. "Our opponents don't hesitate to, so we can't either."

The second binder was smaller, and it contained information specific to the web sites I would be assigned to. The sites I would work were: Godlike Productions, Lunatic Outpost, CNN news, Yahoo News, and a handful of smaller sites that rotated depending on need. As stated, I was NOT assigned to work ATS (although others in my group were), which is part of the reason I am posting this here, rather than elsewhere. I wanted to post this on Godlike Productions at first, but they have banned me from even viewing that site for some reason (perhaps they are onto me?). But if somebody connected with this site can get the message to them, I think they should know about it, because that was the site I spent a good 70% of my time working on.
The site-specific info in the second binder included a brief history each site, including recent flame-wars, as well as info on what to avoid on each site so as not to get banned. It also had quite detailed info on the moderators and the most popular regged posters on each site: location (if known), personality type, topics of interest, background sketch, and even some notes on how to "push the psychological buttons" of different posters. Although I didn't work for ATS, I did see they had a lot of info on your so-called "WATS" posters here (the ones with gold borders around their edges). "Focus on the popular posters," my trainer told me. "These are the influential ones. Each of these is worth 50 to 100 of the lesser known names." Each popular poster was classified as "hostile," "friendly," or "indifferent" to my goal. We were supposed to cultivate friendship with the friendly posters as well as the mods (basically, by brownnosing and sucking up), and there were even notes on strategies for dealing with specific hostile posters. The info was pretty detailed, but not perfect in every case. "If you can convert one of the hostile posters from the enemy side to our side, you get a nice bonus. But this doesn't happen too often, sadly. So mostly you'll be attacking them and trying to smear them."

At first, like I said, my job was "meme-patrol." This was pretty simple and repetitive; it involved countering memes and introducing new memes, and didn't demand much in-depth knowledge of the subject. Mostly just repetitive posting based on the dialogue pairs in the "Strat" section of the first binder. A lot of my job was de-railing and spamming threads that didn't go our way, or making accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. Sometimes I had to simply lie and claim a poster said something or did something "in another thread" they really hadn't said or done I felt bad about this…but in the end I felt worse about the possibility of losing the first job I'd been able to get since losing my "real" job.
The funny thing was, although I started the job with no strong opinions or political views, after a few weeks of this I became very emotionally wedded to the pro-Israel ideas I was pushing. There must be some psychological factor at work…a good salesman learns to honestly love the products he's selling, I guess. It wasn't long before my responses became fiery and passionate, and I began to learn more about the topic on my own. "This is a good sign," my trainer told me. "It means you are ready for the next step: complex debate."
The "complex debate" part of the job involved a fair amount of additional training, including memorizing more specific information about the specific posters (friendly and hostile) I'd be sparring with. Here, too, there were scripts and suggested lines of argument, but we were given more freedom. There were a lot of details to this more advanced stage of the job – everything from how to select the right avatar to how to use "demotivationals" (humorous images with black borders that one finds floating around the web). Even the proper use of images of cats was discussed. Sometimes we used faked or photo-shopped images or doctored news reports (something else that bothered me).

I was also given the job of tying to find new recruits, people "like me" who had the personality type, ability to keep a secret, basic writing/thinking skills, and desperation necessary to sign on a shill. I was less successful at this part of the job, though, and I couldn't find another in the time I was there.
After a while of doing this, I started to feel bad. Not because of the views I was pushing (as I said, I was first apolitical, then pro-Israel), but because of the dishonesty involved. If my arguments were so correct, I wondered, why did we have to do this in the first place? Shouldn't truth propagate itself naturally, rather than through, well…propaganda? And who was behind this whole operation, anyway? Who was signing my paychecks? The stress of lying to my parents and friends about being a "consultant" was also getting to me. Finally, I said enough was enough. I quit in September 2011. Since then I've been working a series of unglamorous temp office jobs for lower pay. But at least I'm not making my living lying and heckling people who come online to express their views and exercise freedom of speech.

A few days ago I happened to be in the same neighborhood and on a whim thought I'd check out the old office. It turns out the operation is gone, having moved on. This, too, I understood, is part of their strategy: Don't stay in the same place for too long, don't keep the same name too long, move on after half a year or so. Keeping a low profile, finding new employees through word of mouth: All this is part of the shill way of life. But it is a deceptive way of life, and no matter how noble the goals (I remain pro-Israel, by the way), these sleazy means cannot be justified by the end.
This is my confession. ... Shills exist. They are real. They walk among you...
April 2012

sábado, 4 de agosto de 2012