miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

@prisonplanet, 30/06/10 12:38

prisonplanet (@prisonplanet)
30/06/10 12:38
Obama Wants The Oil Spill Crisis To Get Worse - http://tiny.cc/e1pdb

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@michiokaku, 30/06/10 12:36

@prisonplanet, 30/06/10 12:34

prisonplanet (@prisonplanet)
30/06/10 12:34
Will G20 Police Succeed In Covering Up Reports of Rape and Torture? http://tiny.cc/jgzyf

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@kscnews, 30/06/10 12:27

KSC News (@kscnews)
30/06/10 12:27
No sex in space, says NASA commander: astronauts too 'professional' for outer ... - New York Daily News - http://tinyurl.com/27v49my

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Sismo de 6.3 grados sacude al DF

Hasta el momento no se han reportado daños materiales


Ciudad de México | Miércoles 30 de junio de 2010 Redacción | El Universal02:46
3 comentarios

Un sismo de 6.4 grados en la escala de Richter sacudió al Distrito Federal en las primeras horas de esta madrugada

El Servicio Sismológico Nacional reportó que el epicentro del temblor se registró en Oaxaca a las 2:22 horas. Los edificios de la zona centro de la ciudad fueron desalojados

(En unos momentos más información)


Fuerte Sismo se sintió en el Valle de méxico 2:22am local

Magnitude 6.5 - OAXACA, MEXICO
2010 June 30 07:22:43 UTC

    * Details
    * Maps

Earthquake Details
Magnitude    6.5 (Preliminary magnitude — update expected within 15 minutes)

    * Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 07:22:43 UTC
    * Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 02:22:43 AM at epicenter

Location    17.330°N, 97.570°W
Depth    99 km (61.5 miles) set by location program

    * 13 km (8 miles) ENE (60°) from Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico
    * 58 km (36 miles) SSE (156°) from Huajuapan, Oaxaca, Mexico
    * 87 km (54 miles) WNW (287°) from Atzompa, Oaxaca, Mexico
    * 96 km (59 miles) WNW (289°) from Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico
    * 255 km (159 miles) ENE (78°) from Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

Location Uncertainty    Error estimate not available
Parameters    NST= 12, Nph= 12, Dmin=0 km, Rmss=0.43 sec, Gp=288°,
M-type="moment" magnitude from initial P wave (tsuboi method) (Mi/Mwp), Version=A

    * NOAA Pacific Tsunami Warning Center

Event ID    pt10181001

    * This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
    * Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.


martes, 29 de junio de 2010

(4/13) Invisible Empire: Un Nuevo Orden Mundial definido

@silversnowball1, 29/06/10 21:23

george balija (@silversnowball1)
29/06/10 21:23
100,000 Americans Die Each Year from Prescription Drugs, While Pharma Companies Get Rich | AlterNet: http://bit.ly/cFnlga via @addthis

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@seosdesv, 23/06/10 10:22

silvia elida ortiz s (@seosdesv)
23/06/10 10:22

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Cambios Planetarios debe publicar como denuncia estas notas que tienen varias semanas de aparecer en los medios. Si esto es cierto, lo que lleva mucha campo de posibilidad, es una muestra del nivel de perversión al que puede mostar el llamado hombre ¿"civilizado"?. Desde el día de ayer ya está en los medios el nivel inimaginable de la extensión de la que se considera hoy la mayor tragedia de la humanidad. Ampliaré en algunos días. Kristen Neiling.
--------- Las notas
Goldman Sachs vendió 43.7% de sus acciones de BP días antes.
Goldman apostó en contra del Golfo de México un día antes del derrame; Peter Sutherland fue director de ambas empresas… ¿Podría ser esto una manipulación global para seguir la agenda de grupos como los Bilderberg o la Comisión Trilateral?
Aunque podría tratarse de una gigantesca coincidencia, Goldman Sachs, más mafia que banco, beneficiado por la crisis económica, y postrado en los puestos más importantes del gabinete financiero de Estados Unidos, vendió el 43.7 de sus acciones de la empresa British Petroleum (BP) tres semanas antes del derrame petrolero del Golfo de México, lo que significó más de 266 millones de dólares.
Goldman Sachs vendió sus acciones justamente 21 días antes del Día de la Tierra, que como parte de un oscuro humor cósmico resultó ser el día del derrame petrolero.
Ahora bien sabemos que Goldman Sachs usa softwares que se acercan a la inteligencia artificial para predecir el futuro del mercado, sin embargo los resultados de BP, que había tenido una ganancia de más de 6 mil millones de dólares en el primer cuarto del año, no parecen mostrar ningún tipo de tendencia contraria.
Esto no es suficiente para convencernos que el derrame de petróleo fue planeado con anticipación. Sin embargo, existe más información.

Según reporta Andy Borowitz en el Huffinton Post el gobierno de EU obtuvo mails del empleado de Goldman Fabrice "Fabulous Fab". Tourre en los que le presumía a su novia un día antes del derrame que su compañía tomaba "una gran venta corta" como posición ante el Golfo. Básicamente apostaba en contra del petróleo en el Golfo de México.

"Una plataforma de petróleo se cae y vamos a estar revolcándonos en dinero", escribió Tourre en un email ."Tráguensela, pececitos y pajaritos".

Estas palabras suenan demasiado ominosas. Ahora bien, eso no es todo. El director no-operativo de Goldman Sachs International (subsidiario británico del banco estadounidense) es Peter Sutherland, quien también fuera director no-operativo de BP y, como dice en su misma página de Wikipedia, es miembro del poderoso Grupo Bilderberg y de la Comisión Trilateral.

El sitio Zero Hedge reporta esta "serie afortunada de coincidencias" y analiza el extraño comportamiento en las acciones de BP de Goldman, que contradice, como es común, lo que Goldman estaba diciendo a sus clientes que debían hacer.

El 1 de enero se hace efectiva la renuncia Sutherland a sus obligaciones para con los accionistas de BP; cuatro días antes Goldman cambia de Neutral a Comprar acciones de BP.

¿Tendrá que ver el derrame de petróleo con una estrategia financiera global, conforme a la agenda del Grupo Bilderberg que se reúne mañana en España, y que, según el investigador Daniel Estulin, entre otros, busca precipitar la caída de las economías nacionales (y del dólar) para integrar una gran Corporación Planetaria?

Esto podría ser aleatorio pero el infame protagonista de este ecocidio, British Petroleum, es una compañía que se fusionó con Amoco Oil, antes Standard Oil, la compañía petrolera del imperio Rockefeller. Como se sabe David Rockefeller es el miembro clave de la Comisión Trilateral y parte importante de los Bilderberg, para algunos el hombre más poderoso del mundo.

Para añadir al cóctel de la sospecha:

Trabajadores contratados por BP para probar la fuerza de los cimientos de cemento en el pozo fueron enviados a casa 11 horas antes de la explosión del 20 de abril, saltándose la examinación que según un ejecutivo de una compañía de cemento "es el único examen que puede en verdad determinar la efectividad con la que esta sellada el pozo". (Nota en el Huffington Post).

Otro punto a considerarse es la negligencia a detener el derrame, a la vez utilizando un dispersante, el corexit, que es altamente tóxico para el ambiente y no está entre los 10 primeros más efectivos. Esto parece indicar que se busca extender el derrame de petróleo,¿quizás para provocar una crisis alimenticia?

El poder y la laxa moral de Goldman Sachs ha sido denunciado por Matt Taibbi quien los ha llamado "un calamar vampiro asfixiando la humanidad". Su injerencia en la política mundial ha sido demostrada en varias ocasiones, basta ver las posiciones que los hombres de Goldman tienen:

Robert Rubin: Fue Secreatrio del Tesoro de Bill Clinton después de trabajar más de 20 años en Goldman Sachs y ser presidente del banco. Se le considera una de las mentes más brillantes de Estados Unidos. También trabajó 8 años en Citigroup, por los que recibió 126 millones de dólares. Según Taibi, Rubin es la mente maestra detrás de la actual crisis financiera, empujando la desregularización a voluntad durante el gobierno de Clinton.

Henry Paulson- Fue Secretario del Tesoro de 2006 a 2008 durante el gobierno de George Bush, antes fue CEO de Goldman Sachs. Fue el encargado de orquestar el rescate financiero de 700 mil millones de dólares que rescato a bancos como Citigroup, al cual se le dio 300 mil millones de dólares y a Goldman Sachs que al transformarse en un holding accedió a 10 mil millones de dólares de los contribuyentes.

Lawrence Summers- Director del White House National Economic Council del gobierno de Obama, fue Secretario del Tesoro después de su mentor Robert Rubin, en 1999. Rubin es el responable de buena parte de los ascensos políticos de Summers. Según Taibi, Summers recibió 150 mil dólares por un discurso de 1 hora en Goldman Sachs, el año pasado. Ganó varios millones de dólares en Wall Street también en el 2008.

Mark Patterson- Nombrado irónicamente por Tim Geithner Treasury Chieff of Staff, al mismo tiempo que hablaba de reducir el papel del cabildeo (lobbying). Patterson trabajó cabildeando para Goldman Sachs.

Luego están los casos de Tim Geithner, quien trabajó con Robert Rubin, Joshua Bolten y Ed Liddy para quien quiera investigar más.

Actualmente, el derrame del petróleo se acerca a las playas de Florida, donde además de afectar a la industria camaronera podría afectar seriamente a la industria turística. http://pijamasurf.com/2010/06/el-ceo-de-bp-vendio-sus-acciones-de-la-compania-un-mes-antes-del-derrame-del-golfo/

Tony Hayward, presidente de British Petroleum, vendió 2 mdd en acciones de la compañía un mes antes que se anunciara el desastre petrolero del Golfo de México. Alimentando las más radicales dudas y conspiraciones alrededor del derrame de petróleo en el Golfo de México, se ha confirmado que el Presidente Ejecutivo de British Petroleum, compañía inglesa propietaria del pozo Deepblue Horizon, vendió un buen porcentaje de sus propias acciones treinta días antes de que se registrará la fuga que ha provocado un desastre medioambiental en el Golfo de México y el sureste de Estados Unidos.

Aunque parezca literalmente increíble, todo apunta a que Hayward sabía que pronto se iba a venir una debacle para BP. Este ejecutivo que gana alrededor de seis millones de dólares anuales, aprovechó para vender dos mdd en acciones que poseía de la compañía, apenas un mes previo al gran desastre. Desde que vendió 223,228 acciones en marzo 17 el valor de la compañía en la bolsa de valores se ha devaluado más de 30%. Es decir, Hayward evitó la pérdida de casi un millón de dólares por esta sospechosa movida. Aún más curioso resulta el hecho de que el reporte del primer trimestre de operaciones de BP fue considerado como bastante exitoso dentro de la comunidad financiera con ganancias que rebasaban los 5mil mdd.

Por si esto no fuera suficiente para pensar que hay personas que conocían con anterioridad la llegada de esta catástrofe, en Pijama Surf reportamos la venta de Goldman Sachs (quizá la institución financiera más obscura del planeta), unos días antes del derrame de petróleo, del 43.7% de sus acciones de BP, ahorrando con ello poco menos de 100 mdd en potenciales pérdidas de haber retardado esta venta.

De acuerdo a este escenario no se necesita una mente predispuesta a la paranoia para contemplar la posibilidad de que o bien se tenía información al respecto de este potencial desastre, previo a que ocurriera, o incluso podría haber sido orquestado de acuerdo a una espeluznante y aún inentendible agenda oculta.

NOTA: En esta nota había un link sobre las imágenes del desastre en la vida animal que omito porque personalmente me resulta intolerable el maltrato a cualquier animal; simplemente no está dentro de mi capacidad mirarlo; por lo tanto, y mucho menos, difundir. Quien tenga estómago para ver aves, tortugas y demás fauna, negras de petróleo, las puede ver en la web en todas partes. Una de las pocas para las que no tengo ninguna capacidad de aguante. K.N.
" el día después de mañana", es hoy
Kristen Neiling
Dirección y Producción
Agencia CPl.News ®

@SETIInstitute, 29/06/10 14:15

The SETI Institute (@SETIInstitute)
29/06/10 14:15
Is Dr. Who's crack in the universe real? Intriguing new Spitzer picture! http://cot.ag/dmxM9g

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@prisonplanet, 29/06/10 12:49

prisonplanet (@prisonplanet)
29/06/10 12:49
Columbia University: Body Scanners Increase Risk Of Skin Cancer - http://tiny.cc/o9cgt

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@europaenllamas, 29/06/10 12:48

europa (@europaenllamas)
29/06/10 12:48
RT @anillosolidario: La Policía de Quebec admite tener agentes 'provocadores' en las manifestaciones de Toronto http://bit.ly/cZFric

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@Astro_Mike, 29/06/10 12:46

Mike Massimino (@Astro_Mike)
29/06/10 12:46
I am going to NYC to appear on The Late Show with David Letterman tomorrow (Wednesday) night, should be fun!!

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@CERN, 29/06/10 12:42

29/06/10 12:42
#CERN's 2009 annual report is available in pdf: http://bit.ly/cz8iTB

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lunes, 28 de junio de 2010

Brazil Part 1

(3/13) Invisible Empire: Un Nuevo Orden Mundial definido (3/13)

Mecano - No Hay Marcha En Nueva York

asereje version orquesta

Hitler and the vuvuzela at the 2010 Fifa World Cup.

The Fellowship of the Vuvuzela

(2/13) Invisible Empire: Un Nuevo Orden Mundial definido (2/13)

Invisible Empire: Un Nuevo Orden Mundial definido (1/13)

Einstein's Idiots 19: Stephen Crothers: Why Black Holes Don't Exist

Doctor Who Song for Ten

Alerta roja: El plan de despoblación de Obama es expuesto

@YahooNews, 28/06/10 13:31

Yahoo News (@YahooNews)
28/06/10 13:31
What's the unexplained constant low-pitched sound that only 2% of people can hear? Check out today's #WhoKnew: http://yhoo.it/bczvvD

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viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Doctor Who: The Master Reborn

The Doctor and Donna mimed conversation

Doctor Who - Blink - The Whole Of The Doctors Side

Every Jelly Baby Scene - Doctor Who

La mentira del Calentamiento Global 5 - 8

Einstein's Idiots 15: We are the last generation of humans on Earth! - P...

@REZIZTENCIA, 25/06/10 17:28

25/06/10 17:28
PODCAST CONCIENCIA RADIO MP3 FREE..!!! http://www.concienciaradio.mex.tl/

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@Discovery_News, 25/06/10 13:47

Discovery_News (@Discovery_News)
25/06/10 13:47
Amelia Earhart may have survived for months as a castaway. http://ow.ly/23mTi

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@ClauverS, 25/06/10 12:54

Claudia Sánchez (@ClauverS)
25/06/10 12:54
RT @LaJornada: Se suicida capitán de BP que ayudaba a contener derrame en Golfo http://url4.eu/51iHP ~ eso no puede ser una buena señal :(

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Derrame de petróleo en el Golfo fue crisis escenificada: ¡investigación ...

Singing 'rewires' damaged brain

By Victoria Gill
Science reporter, BBC News, San Diego

Teaching stroke patients to sing "rewires" their brains, helping them recover their speech, say scientists.

By singing, patients use a different area of the brain from the area involved in speech.

If a person's "speech centre" is damaged by a stroke, they can learn to use their "singing centre" instead.

Researchers presented these findings at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Diego.

An ongoing clinical trial, they said, has shown how the brain responds to this "melodic intonation therapy".

Gottfried Schlaug, a neurology professor at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School in Boston, US, led the trial.

The therapy is already established as a medical technique. Researchers first used it when it was discovered that stroke patients with brain damage that left them unable to speak were still able to sing.

Professor Schlaug explained that his was the first study to combine this therapy with brain imaging - "to show what is actually going on in the brain" as patients learn to sing their words.

Making connections

Most of the connections between brain areas that control movement and those that control hearing are on the left side of the brain.

"But there's a sort of corresponding hole on the right side," said Professor Schlaug.

" Music engages huge swathes of the brain - it's not just lighting up a spot in the auditory cortex "
Dr Aniruddh Patel, neuroscientist

"For some reason, it's not as endowed with these connections, so the left side is used much more in speech.

"If you damage the left side, the right side has trouble [fulfilling that role]."

But as patients learn to put their words to melodies, the crucial connections form on the right side of their brains.

Previous brain imaging studies have shown that this "singing centre" is overdeveloped in the brains of professional singers.

During the therapy sessions, patients are taught to put their words to simple melodies.

Professor Schlaug said that after a single session, a stroke patients who was are not able to form any intelligible words learned to say the phrase "I am thirsty" by combining each syllable with the note of a melody.

The patients are also encouraged to tap out each syllable with their hands. Professor Schlaug said that this seemed to act as an "internal pace-maker" which made the therapy even more effective.

"Music might be an alternative medium to engage parts of the brain that are otherwise not engaged," he said.

Brain sounds

Dr Aniruddh Patel from the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego, said the study was an example of the "explosion in research into music and the brain" over the last decade.

"People sometimes ask where in the brain music is processed and the answer is everywhere above the neck," said Dr Patel.

"Music engages huge swathes of the brain - it's not just lighting up a spot in the auditory cortex."

Dr Nina Kraus, a neuroscientist from Northwestern University in Chicago, also studies the effects of music on the brain.

In her research, she records the brain's response to music using electrodes on the scalp.

This work has enabled her to "play back" electrical activity from brain cells as they pick up sounds.

"Neurons work with electricity - so if you record the electricity from the brain you can play that back through speakers and hear how the brain deals with sounds," she explained.

Dr Kraus has also discovered that musical training seems to enhance the ability to perform other tasks, such as reading.

She said that the insights into how the brain responds to music provided evidence that musical training was an important part of children's education.
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2010/02/21 05:24:44 GMT


El Lavado de Cerebro

La mentira del Calentamiento Global 4 - 8

China Selling Prisoners' Organs - Shocking BBC Video

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Theme - Version 2

Battlestar Galactica Opening Theme from 1978

Partridge Family mini concert 2 enjoy!

Partridge Family mini concert enjoy!

@hughhefner, 24/06/10 22:52

Hugh Hefner (@hughhefner)
24/06/10 22:52
Got a letter from the Universal Life Church naming me their first living saint. Saint Hef? How cool is that?

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Einstein's Idiots 14: We are the last generation of humans on Earth - Pa...

La mentira del Calentamiento Global 3 - 8

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010

Pintura Rupestre de la TARDIS! /WHO Painted the Dr in 5000 BC?

Año 5000 AC


A CAVE painting created 7,000 years ago has stunned experts - by appearing to show Doctor Who's time-travelling Tardis.
The picture dating from 5,000BC portrays mysterious figures around an object looking like the TV police box currently occupied by new Doctor Who Matt Smith and assistant Amy Pond (Karen Gillan).

One fan said: "The Doctor is always travelling through space and time so maybe we shouldn't be surprised."

Experts believe the picture in Utah, US, was created by mammoth-hunting nomads.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2982917/Who-painted-the-Dr-in-a-cave-in-5000BC.html#doctorwho#ixzz0rkVE8Eie

Einstein's Idiots 12: Action at a Distance

Jacques Vallee Pt.6

Jacques F. Vallee

Jacques F. Vallee

Dr. Jacques F. Vallee was a senior researcher at the DARPA-funded Augmentation Research Center at SRI at the very beginning of the RV program initiated by Dr. Puthoff and Russell Targ in 1971. Given his long-standing interest in consciousness research, he became informally associated with the program and is credited by Ingo Swann for suggesting the approach that led to the coordinate remote viewing protocol. In the mid-eighties, Dr. Vallee was brought back to SRI as a consultant. He was cleared for Grill Flame, went through formal training with Ingo Swann, and contributed to the methodology research that Dr. Ed May later led at SAIC. His experience spans the entire life of the program and gives him a special position as an observer and commentator on the reality of remote viewing.

Dr. Vallee also has long been interested in the UFO phenomenon and has earned the reputation of being one of the most rigorous and credible researchers in the field. He was the model for the French scientist figure played by Francois Truffaut in Steven Speilberg's classic film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

Jacques discussed his work on UFO phenomena, as well as his interest in remote viewing and parapsychology. Remote viewer Paul H. Smith joined in during the conversation, noting that Vallee will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming Remote Viewing Conference in Las Vegas.

Vallee, who distanced himself from ufology for a number of years, said the study of UFOs became less focused on science and more embroiled in a debate over belief systems. He spoke about first witnessing a saucer-shaped craft in 1955, and his years working with investigator J. Allen Hynek. Over time, Vallee began to doubt the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs. He looked at unusual sightings dating back centuries, where such incidents were thought to be associated with ghosts, demons or supernatural forces. The phenomena is saying we don't understand space-time, and that our universe is a subset of something else, he asserted.

Vallee discussed his long-standing friendship with Ingo Swann (considered the father of remote viewing) and their participation at SRI at the very beginning of the RV program in 1971. Remote viewing's funding by intelligence agencies such as the CIA has been both a blessing and a curse, said Vallee. Mission-oriented projects were pushed forward before the science was fine tuned, he explained.

September 17th, 2007


@twisst8, 23/06/10 20:28

Twisst ISS alerts (@twisst8)
23/06/10 20:28
@Carlos_S01 An extremely bright ISS will cross your sky tonight! It comes up in Southwest at 21:39. Details: http://twisst.nl/33470

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@El_Universo_Hoy, 23/06/10 18:39

Ciencia y Tecnología (@El_Universo_Hoy)
23/06/10 18:39
El 'máximo' del eclipse será a las 11:38 UTC. http://twitpic.com/1zd9zm/full - Mapa de la zona que cubrirá el eclipse y datos técnicos.

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@CosmicEvolution, 23/06/10 18:33

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
23/06/10 18:33
7th graders describe (and draw) scientists before & after a visit to Fermilab. http://j.mp/chAICZ h/t Rachael French /via @kejames #science

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@El_Universo_Hoy, 23/06/10 18:07

Ciencia y Tecnología (@El_Universo_Hoy)
23/06/10 18:07
Aurora vista desde la Estación Espacial, imagen tomada el 29 de mayo sobre el océano Índico. http://twitpic.com/1zd3bt/full

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@CosmicEvolution, 23/06/10 14:42

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
23/06/10 14:42
Search For #Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) In The Optical Spectrum: A Review http://bit.ly/b0iV1n #astrobiology #SETI #space #ET

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@CosmicEvolution, 23/06/10 14:37

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
23/06/10 14:37
The Transpermia Hypothesis: Could life on Earth have come from another world? Mars for instance? http://digg.com/d31Ufc5 #astrobiology #digg

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@LaJornada, 23/06/10 14:36

lajornada (@LaJornada)
23/06/10 14:36
Clima extremo del exoplaneta Osiris apasiona a científicos http://url4.eu/4vXwz

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@Astro_Wheels, 22/06/10 18:04

Douglas H. Wheelock (@Astro_Wheels)
22/06/10 18:04
A beautiful city, on a gorgeous Summer day...the city of lights...Paris from Earth orbit. http://twitpic.com/1z3toq

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sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) - 9/12


1:30:07 -
This documentary came out in 1979 and features Dr. Jacques Vallee and is presented by Rod Serling. Written by Robert Emenegger.Yes, its the same person who was pretty close to uncovering the reality behind the alleged reports about the landing of a UFO at Holloman AFB. He also appears shortly in the one about the Presidential knowledge about UFO's, part of the History Channel's UFO Files Series! It's a pretty good video, and should definitely go into the video library of anyone interested in the scientific study of UFOs.

@PateandoPiedras, 19/06/10 19:30

Pateando Piedras (@PateandoPiedras)
19/06/10 19:30
Un hoyo en medio de la lluvia en la ciudad de mexico. Alucinante http://tweetphoto.com/28110298

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@El_Universo_Hoy, 19/06/10 19:03

Ciencia y Tecnología (@El_Universo_Hoy)
19/06/10 19:03
Vídeo de la misma eyección de masa coronal del Sol este sábado pero en alta definición: http://youtu.be/bWhi9seBVZk

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@Pokemonera, 19/06/10 17:58

L.Elisa Villarreal (@Pokemonera)
19/06/10 17:58
Una vista cercana a un sistema estelar "simbiótico" http://bit.ly/aT7zo6

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@CosmicEvolution, 19/06/10 17:39

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
19/06/10 17:39
Myth of the historical Jesus http://bit.ly/X3ZI2 Explains why the very existence of a1st century CE Jesus figure is doubtful. #history

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@CosmicEvolution, 19/06/10 17:33

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
19/06/10 17:33
Russia may Send Spaceship to Knock Asteroid Off Earth-Threat http://digg.com/d31EDSV #space #Roscosmos #Russia #asteroid #asteroids #Earth

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@CosmicEvolution, 19/06/10 17:32

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
19/06/10 17:32
I've created an astrobiology hashtag group http://hashtag.org/group/astrobiology Everybody is welcome to join! #astrobiology #hashtags

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@CosmicEvolution, 19/06/10 17:30

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
19/06/10 17:30
Who was King Solomon? Pagan origins of Israelite culture http://bit.ly/zpTaK #archaeology #history

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viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

@CosmicEvolution, 18/06/10 23:31

@El_Universo_Hoy, 18/06/10 18:03

Ciencia y Tecnología (@El_Universo_Hoy)
18/06/10 18:03
Esta noche en el cielo: una 'media luna' se coloca junto a Saturno. http://twitpic.com/1xxea9

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The Chemical Brothers - The Golden Path

Office Worker Goes Insane 2nd angle

Cell phone footage of the best office rampage in history.

Office Rage

Man goes INSANE in office.

Office Space - World of Warcraft Commercial

In the words of Peter Gibbons, "it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care". See why Peter has better things to do than fill out TPS reports as World of Warcraft goes back in time to make an appearance in the cult classic film: Office Space.

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Office Space

Uhm, yea, I'm going to need you to come in on Sunday. Thaaaaaanx

Office Space: Meeting "The Bobs"

A guy happily strolls into a meeting with HR reps, wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals. He confidently pours himself a glass of water before telling them how he slacks off at work. Later, he leans back in his seat, hanging his arm over the top of the chair while openly admitting that he just doesn't care.
When he cites a lack of motivation, he's offered a pay raise and benefits. He brushes the offer aside right before he decides to end the meeting and leave.
Greatest scene ever...

Focusing out energies on loving our water bodies

Beloveds ~

Today, we invite our World Gratitude family to join together, to leverage our
genius and the power of Love to transmute the destructive forces of ignorance,
greed and separation that are at play in the Gulf of Mexico ... and beyond.

5 years ago, World Gratitude was birthed out of a vision, one of creating a 'World
Wide Wave of Gratitude and Re-connecting our water bodies to Love'. Since this
time, we have been becoming Masters in the art of using Gratitude to empower
the Self, experience wholeness, facilitate authentic, right-living and to cooperate
with our Beloveds, world-wide, to gracefully move through the great changes of
our time.

We have been preparing ourselves for events such as this ... and the time is NOW 
to come together, in service, compassion and courage ... and with great Faith hold
a Space of Love, Gratitude and Grace!

We see this as an opportunity to deepen Self Mastery, by employing
our genius and authentic power in a life-affirming way ... by being
Grateful NOW for wholeness, purity and recapitulation of the water
bodies in the Gulf, as well as across the face of creation.

Dr. Masaru Emoto - author scientist, and humanitarian - has shared a brief, yet
powerful prayer and we are passing it along here as a focal point, a space of
conscious creation allowing us to move past fear, judgment and retribution into
Unity, Harmony and Wholeness. This prayer is structured using Ho'oponopono
and is directed initially at WATER - the element connecting ALL Life on the
planet. Water ... the carrier of Spirit and the flow-er of Love!!! 

Dr. Masaru Emoto's Healing Prayer for the Gulf:

"I send the energy of love and gratitude to the water and all the living
creatures in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings.

To the whales, dolphins, pelicans, fish, shellfish, plankton, coral,
algae, and all living creatures . . .

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you. 
I love you. "

and these words from a Beloved who forwarded this prayer and invitation
to us:  "We are passing this request to people who we believe might be willing to
participate in this prayer, to set an intention of love and healing that is so large, so
overwhelming that we can perform a miracle in the Gulf of Mexico.

We are not powerless. We are powerful. Our united energy, speaking this prayer
daily...multiple times daily....can literally shift the balance of destruction that is

We don't have to know how......we just have to recognize that the power of love is
greater than any power active in the Universe today. 

Please join us in oft repeating this healing prayer of of Dr. Emoto's. And feel free to
copy and paste this to send it around the planet. Let's take charge, and do our own
clean up! 

And so it is! Pass it on."

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Thank you, Dr. Emoto and our friends, who are earnest in our intent. We are
grateful to be gathered here, together, and honored to share the journey as ONE.


~  The Ground Crew of World Gratitude

About the elusive Bigfoot

What if Bigfoot is a non-physical entity, belonging to a whole set of entities who inhabit and share the Earth with us? These ideas are shared by Jacques Vallée


Passport to Magonia:

After years of studying the UFO phenomena he observed that all the sightings were illogical, crazy, sometimes plainly stupid (like ufo astronauts asking for fertilizer and giving in return oat cookies), witnesses describing the interior of the UFO as comprising of a kitchenette only, and sometimes the reports that are terrorific, and many of them share many things in common with the follkore of elves and demons, and the apparitions of the virgin mary too. So he concluded that the UFOs are not the spacecrafts of alien astronauts but beings coming from this same planet, living in another plane of existence (or the manifestation of a communal human mind).

He is the french ufologist represented by Spielberg in Close Encounters of the Third Kind by the character of Lancombe played by François Truffaut and, his teacher J. Allen Hynek has a cameo in the movie.

It is reported that Vallée asked Speilberg to embrace his non-alien theory but that Spielberg answered him that the people would be confused and that they expected to be entertained with a movie about extraterrestrials.

And I have seen manifestations of entities along my life.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Cinematic Trailer - E3 2010

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) - 8/12

Máni's Birthday Surprise Video - LazyTown Megamix

@Pokemonera, 17/06/10 21:23

L.Elisa Villarreal (@Pokemonera)
17/06/10 21:23
¿Está llevando Júpiter a la cosmología por un camino equivocado? http://bit.ly/a0aqjw

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@TheLeakeyFndtn, 17/06/10 17:16

TheLeakeyFoundation (@TheLeakeyFndtn)
17/06/10 17:16
PHOTO: The Leakey Foundation just received the casts of 7 skulls from National Museums of Kenya! http://cot.ag/aMpA4M #evolution #fossils

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@BreakingScience, 17/06/10 17:12

Breaking Sci News (@BreakingScience)
17/06/10 17:12
Seventh Graders Find a Cave on Mars http://bit.ly/cO4oSo via http://topicfire.com/Science

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@VirtualAstro, 17/06/10 17:07

Virtual Astronomer (@VirtualAstro)
17/06/10 17:07
New blog post, How to see the Comet (C/2009 R1 McNaught) - http://tinyurl.com/3xqqz47

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@NASA, 17/06/10 16:42

17/06/10 16:42
In '28 Amelia Earhart's 1st female passenger to fly the Atlantic http://ow.ly/1ZYRz Her watch is about to dock with ISS http://bit.ly/69aiwF

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@bbcscitech, 17/06/10 13:10

BBC SciTech (@bbcscitech)
17/06/10 13:10
A "global pattern" of change in the Earth's climate that began 2.7m years ago could be explained by CO2, say.. http://bit.ly/azxrZp

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miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Galactic Empire (complete version) / Imperio Galáctico (versión íntegra)

Einstein's Idiots 9: The secret Law of Attraction

The Electric Universe

Are you familiar with the thesis of the Electric Universe?

This is their webpage:


And the documentary



Challenge yourself, your peers, your teachers.  Participate in a revolution in science and human evolution.  Watch this film and in an hour know more than most NASA scientists about the fundamental force that forms and sustains the universe (summary below). Visit: www.thunderboltsdvd.com - to purchase the DVD and\or Thunderbolts Of The Gods 'monograph' (book), - to view higher resolution sequences from the film (with stereo sound), - to subscribe to a free newsletter that will keep you up to date on the latest discoveries in space and a revolutionary new interpretation of them. The Thunderbolts Project calls into question not only countless modern scientific assumptions, but also the billions of dollars of big-science government and corporate funding that continues to preserve and entrench questionable theories - elevating them to the status of doctrine - while systematically excluding legitimate alternatives that threaten the status-quo.  Alternatives that may represent the future of science. The Thunderbolts Project offers remarkably simple explanations for 'black holes', 'dark matter', the electric sun, comets that are NOT made of ice, planetary scarring and many other 'mysterious' phenomena. It proposes that much of the currently observable phenomena of deep space can be intelligently explained by already known principles of electricity.  High school students get it immediately.  A doctorate in higher math is not required. This extraordinary new theory also redefines ancient history, linking rock art images carved in basalt 5,000 years ago with identical images found only in Hubble photographs of deep space or in photographs of recently declassified high-energy plasma discharge experiments generated in a billion dollar lab. The Thunderbolts Project invites you to participate in this revolution, to test and even challenge its validity, or, if finding it rational and intriguing enough, to contribute to its expansion and further evolution. Thank you, The Thunderbolts Project

2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984) - 7/12