sábado, 31 de julio de 2010

Israelis Are Not Jews and American Leaders Are Not Christian

Minority Report (2002) - 3/15

NAU in the movie Minority Report

NAU in the movie Minority Report: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

What is the Google Prediction API?

What is the Google Prediction API?: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

Google invests in firm that tries to predict the future - Computerworld

Google invests in firm that tries to predict the future - Computerworld: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

Braveheart In Defiance Of The English Tyranny! BRAVO

* "Braveheart" to "Big Fan" - Which would you classify yourself as?

* "Braveheart" to "Big Fan" - Which would you classify yourself as?: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

Minority Report (2002) - 2/15

Google Prediction API - Google Code

Google makes The Foundation's Psicohistory Real!

Google Prediction API - Google Code


* Language identification
* Customer sentiment analysis
* Product recommendations & upsell opportunities
* Message routing decisions
* Diagnostics
* Document and email classification
* Suspicious activity identification
* Churn analysis
* And many more...


This will make the movie: Minority Report a reallity!

Minority Report (2001) - 1/15

Mexico accused of inaction over migrant violence

14 minutes you will never get back

US ranchers fight to protect farms in illegal migration route

The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 8)

Ron Paul--Buy Gold

@starsmaven, 31/07/10 19:23

Astronomy Tweets (@starsmaven)
31/07/10 19:23
Astronomy Without A Telescope – The Universe Is Not In A Black Hole: It has been reported that a recent scientific... http://bit.ly/dsamJ6

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@M2ATK, 31/07/10 18:01

31/07/10 18:01
Hey folks. USA is not the option to get the american dream. The american dream gone so long ago. The choice is go back and fight at home.

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@noticias_365, 31/07/10 13:36

Noticias 365 (@noticias_365)
31/07/10 13:36
Expertos sospechan un "arma climática" detrás de las altas temperaturas que azotan a #Rusia http://bit.ly/diA4tj

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Ten Rules for Silver Investing


Rule #1 - When all else fails, there is silver.

No one likes to be a prophet of doom, but the simple truth is that silver is the world's money of last resort. Should a severe economic collapse occur, leaving paper assets worthless, silver will be primary currency for purchase of goods and services. (Gold will be a store of major wealth, but will be priced too high for day-to-day use.) Thus, every investor should own some physical silver-and store a portion of it where it's accessible in an emergency.

Many times we are asked what is the best form of silver to purchase. Our answer has been to consistently begin with old silver coins, known as "junk silver" in the trade. Although, we do not see a time where you would have to rely upon silver coinage for daily expenses it has proven useful in the past.

When our offices were in Los Angeles during the mid 1970's and the first Oil Embargo took place, two private gas station owners set up pumps that would accept payment in silver coinage. We point this out simply to let our readers know that the Free Market can provide some very interesting solutions during difficult times.

Finally, it must be remember that the one financial fact that history bears out is simply all paper currencies eventually fail.


Rule 2. Start small- keep it simple.

Too many investors, upon deciding to beef up the metals portion of their portfolio, buy too much physical silver at once-and in the wrong forms.

Beginning metals investors should concentrate on pure bullion bars or coins, in smaller sizes, looking to pay a minimum premium over the actual metal value.

Avoid commemorative coins, decorative items, jewelry and other collectibles, all of which carry large premiums and have limited resale markets.

Anyone that has spent much time on our website www.silver-investor.com knows we have consistently advocated that all metals investors begin with a physical position before making any other type of precious metals investment.

Certainly, mining stocks offer leverage and can at times multiply your wealth substantially it is only by starting with the sure thing, real metal that you build a foundation of wealth.


SB1070, y recompensa del Cártel de Juárez por matar al Sheriff Arpaio


Hola Amigos,

Leo con tristeza y consternación que en Twitter algunas personas celebran que el Cártel de Juárez ofreza $1 millón de USD y $10mil USD por la muerte del Sheriff Arpaio de Arizona y de cualquier estadounidense respectivamente:


Y peor aún, firman con #TwiterosproAMLO

Gigantesca pendejada.

Estadounidenses que eventualmente serían asesinados y celebrada su muerte en Twitter:

La Ley SB1070 surge por varios motivos, de los cuales el racismo no tiene nada que ver, ya que incluso estadounidenses hispanos apoyan esta Ley, según diversas encuestas de opinión:


Lo que la caja idiota en México no les dice es que la violencia se ha desbordado hacia los EEUU y ellos, están tomando esta y otras medidas para contenerla.

Por ejemplo, hay zonas de la frontera de Arizona con México, 80 millas de territorio declarada off-limits para cualquier estadounidense por estar bajo control del narco mexicano:


En Texas, Los Zetas se han hecho del control de ranchos:


En la compartida Presa Falcón, Tx, piratas mexicanos atacan a paseantes americanos:


Ciudadanos estadounidenses expresan su pesar ya que los consulados mexicanos reparten Matriculas Consulares mexicanas a cualquiera que las solicite sin verificar identidad. En una investigación un estadounidense obtuvo varias de ellas haciéndose pasar por mexicano; estas son aceptadas como identificaciones en los EEUU y los mexicanos abusan de ellos: rentan propiedades, contratan servicios: teléfonía, luz, etc, mismos que no pagan, se van del domicilio y  repiten lo mismo en otros sitios con una nueva identidad.

Los estadounidenses, como cualquier ciudadano en cualquier país, protegen su identidad, y los mexicanos son notorios por no intergrarse, no aprender el idioma. El pasado 5 de Mayo, en una secundaria, estudiantes hispanos que llevaban la bandera estadounidense en sus ropas fueron atacados por mexicanos por que se sintieron ofendidos:


Y hay grupos racistas mexicanos, La Raza, Aztlán,  que llaman a reconquistar el suroeste americano y matar estadounidenses:




Trailer del film racista Machete que llama a una guerra racial de mexicanos para matar a estadounidenses:



En vez de culpar al estadounidense y creer que es su obligación recibir a nuestros millones de refugiados económicos, mejor expresemos nuestra ira contra el neoliberalismo mexicano que tiene a México en la miseria.

Así como Felipe Calderón puntualmente cada mes, homologa los precios del gas y la gasolina a precios internacionales, que él homologue el Salario Mínimo también a niveles internacionales! A 6, 7 dólares la hora, hasta yo consideraría un trabajo en un McDonalds!

Condeno el racismo mexicano hacia los estadounidenses.


FOXNews.com - Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans

FOXNews.com - Uptick in Violence Forces Closing of Parkland Along Mexico Border to Americans

@btzuc, 30/07/10 19:37

Bruno Tzuc ✔ (@btzuc)
30/07/10 19:37
Macabra fotografía de el diablo en el cementerio http://tweetphoto.com/35862387 no apto para cardiacos

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

Doctor Who: Trouble at the Albert (Proms 2010)

Spicks and Spicks | Manta | Doctor Who theme - Ep 27, 2010

jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

SR1 - Oct. 26, 2009 - The Still Report on the Economy

Baby drowned by priest during baptism

They Live - Obey, Consume, This is your God

Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed - PT 2/2

Food: The Ultimate Secret Exposed - PT 1/2

GGN- Police Raid Health Food Store for Raw Milk

With no warning one weekday morning, investigators entered an organic grocery with a search warrant and ordered the hemp-clad workers to put down their buckets of mashed coconut cream and to step away from the nuts.

Then, guns drawn, four officers fanned out across Rawesome Foods in Venice. Skirting past the arugula and peering under crates of zucchini, they found the raid's target inside a walk-in refrigerator: unmarked jugs of raw milk.

"I still can't believe they took our yogurt," said Rawesome volunteer Sea J. Jones, a few days after the raid. "There's a medical marijuana shop a couple miles away, and they're raiding us because we're selling raw dairy products?"

On one side are government regulators, who say they are enforcing rules designed to protect consumers from unsafe foods and to provide a level playing field for producers. On the other side are "healthy food" consumers — a faction of foodies who challenge government science and seek food in its most pure form.

Thank you everyone for subscribing!


The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 7)

The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 6)

BBC News - Mars site may hold 'buried life'

BBC News - Mars site may hold buried life

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-11 of 11

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-10 of 11

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-9 of 11

The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 2)

The First Emperor: The Man Who Made China (Part 1)

Alia kills Baron Vladimir Harkonnen

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-8 of 11

Visit Dubai

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-7 of 11

Don't Tread On Me - Rise Of The Republic Part-6 of 11

@AboveTopSecret, 25/07/10 13:50

AboveTopSecret (@AboveTopSecret)
25/07/10 13:50
The blackest hearts: War crimes in Iraq - http://atsnews.com/597050

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@Carlos_S01, 25/07/10 00:23

Carlos M. Santillán (@Carlos_S01)
25/07/10 00:23
El invento más grande de la humanidad es la manita de plástico para rascarse la espalda... :D

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

BBC News - Archaeologists unearth Neolithic henge at Stonehenge

BBC News - Archaeologists unearth Neolithic henge at Stonehenge

Keiser Report №61: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

Derecho a poseer armas

Los mexicanos no poseemos armas y el país está sumergido ya en un escenario de Mad Max.

Vean estos anuncios de la American Liberty Foundation que defiende la 2a enmienda de la Constitución estadounidense que les da el derecho a poseer armas:

"-Disculpen, ustedes parecen buena gente, ¿creen en el control de armas? (prohibición)"-
"-Entonces están dispuestos a ponerse tras sus ideales y aceptarán desplegar este letrero en su jardín!"
El Letrero dice:
"Atención criminales: Creemos en el control de armas y no poseemos armas."

En la noche la pareja subrepticiamente remueve el letrero!!


Mujer solitaria ante intruso:
Ella está viendo las noticas cuando informan que una mujer fué asesinada por un intruso y en ese instante un criminal ingresa a su hogar:

El Control de armas solo desarma al inocente, el problema es que los criminales no obedecen la Ley.

Mandelbrot set

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Bluebeam: La religión definitiva (Trailer 3)

Cientos videos de OVNI, más auténticos que nunca

La estrella más grande jamás vista


click on the image:


A Silver Shortage?

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 12

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 11

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 10



by Michael Rivero

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was this guy named Aristotle. Pretty sharp fellow; he thought up a lot of good things. But, occasionally he made a mistake.

One mistake he made was to toss an orange up in the air and watch it come straight back down to his hand. Aristotle reasoned that if he was moving, the orange would have flown off to one side as soon as it left his hand. Because the orange did not do so, Aristotle concluded he was not moving. On the basis of this one observed fact, and the assumption that there was no other explanation for what he observed, Aristotle concluded that the Earth does not move and that therefore the rest of the universe had to move around it.

Aristotle was a very sharp guy, but the fact is that there was another explanation for why the orange fell back into his hand, and it would wait about another 2000 years before another smart man, Sir Isaac Newton, explained just what it was Aristotle had overlooked, set forth in Newton's laws of motion.

But for the early church, Aristotle's conclusions fit in rather well with their theology, which had the Earth created as the center of the universe, unmoving, with the rest of the cosmos spinning about it.

Of course, there was empirical evidence available to all that cast doubt on the church-approved version of the Cosmos. One could see during eclipses that the Earth was not flat. The curved shape of the Earth's shadow as it crossed the moon was the same no matter which place in the sky the eclipse took place. A spherical Earth was the only shape that could produce such a result. Ships sailing over the horizon clearly vanished over a subtle curve ( an observation which eventually inspired Columbus' voyages). Nobody could explain the behavior of a Foucault's Pendulum other than by the Earth spinning beneath it.

But by far the most troubling problem for the geocentric (earth centered) universe was the strange behavior of the planets. In an age before TV, or even books, the night sky was something every person was quite familiar with, even those who were not sailors or fortune tellers. Watching the night sky over time, the paths of the planets were easily seen to occasionally pause, move in reverse for a time, then proceed forward. This behavior was called retrograde motion. Ah, but this was a problem. The church did not have an explanation for this behavior. Indeed in the King James Version of the Bible, the word "planet" appears only once, and then only as an object to be sacrificed to.

There is a very simple explanation for retrograde motion. As the Earth, moving in its inner orbit, overtakes an outer planet, it will appear to hesitate, reverse its path across the sky, then resume its normal path. But the idea that the Earth moved was contrary to Church Dogma and to Aristotle. What education was tolerated by the church was "encouraged" to find some way to explain retrograde motion in a way that did not conflict with the religious needs for a universe centered on an unmoving Earth. Rather than re-examine Aristotle's basic claim, the learned men of the day grabbed onto a suggestion made by Claudius Ptolemy called "epicycles". This theory explained retrograde motion around a motionless Earth by suggesting that the planets moved in large orbits called deferents, upon which were superimposed smaller orbits called epicycles which produced a "wobble" as seen from Earth.

Epicycles were extremely popular with the church, and scholars at universities with religious affiliations were "encouraged" to refine this theory. And it needed refinement, badly, because the epicycle theory did not accurately predict what was being seen in the sky. Generations of effort was expended trying to figure out why the models did not predict the actual motions of the planets. At one point, it was even suggested that the epicycles had epicycles. No matter how many times the observed results did not match the predictions, the approved course of action was to refine the theory, but never to question the basic assumption. Those who dared point to the evidence suggesting that Aristotle (and by extension the church) were in error in postulating a geocentric universe were "discouraged". Galileo was tortured into recanting his conclusions that the Earth moved. Giordano Bruno was burned alive at the stake for suggesting that the sun was really just another star, only close up, and that the other stars had their own planets.

In recent times, our expanding technology has confirmed that Galileo and Bruno were right, and Aristotle and the church were flat out wrong. The Earth does move. There are no deferents or epicycles, or even epicycles on the epicycles. The models of the universe which are based on a moving Earth are quite accurate and able to predict the behaviors of the planets as evidence by the fact that we send spacecraft to those planets on a regular basis.

The theory of a geocentric universe and the theory of epicycles were not science. It was religious doctrine masked as science.

The church has never really dealt with the reality of the universe very well. They only apologized for their treatment of Galileo recently and still refuse to discuss Bruno. The Bible, presumed to be the perfect word of a perfect God, still teaches that the Earth is flat, rests on pillars (Job 26:11), and does not move (Psalms 19:5-6 93:1 96:10 104:5).

It seems that some mistakes are destined to be repeated again, despite our technological prowess.

In 1929, a Cal-Tech astronomer named Edwin Hubble observed that objects which appeared to be much further away showed a more pronounced shift towards the red end of the spectrum. Scientists building on Hubble's discovery concluded that the farther an object was away from Earth, the faster it was receding, and calculated the relationship between distance and velocity, called the "Hubble Constant" and concluded on the basis of this one observed fact and the assumption that there was no other explanation for that observed fact that the universe was expanding.

Religious circles embraced the idea of an expanding universe because for the universe to be expanding, then at some point in the past it had to originate from a single point, called the "Big Bang". Indeed, the concept of the Big Bang did not originate with Edwin Hubble but was proposed by a Catholic Monk, Georges Lemaître in 1927, two years before Hubble published his observations of the Red Shift. The "Big Bang" coincided nicely with religious doctrine and just as had been the case with epicycles (and despite the embarrassment thereof) religious institutions sought to encourage this new model of the universe over all others, including the then prevalent "steady state" theory.

Then history repeated itself. Evidence surfaced that the "Big Bang" might not really be a workable theory in the form of General Relativity, and its postulation that super massive objects would have gravity fields so strong that even light could not escape, nor would matter be able to differentiate. Since the entire universe existing in just one spot would be the most super massive object of all, the universe could not be born.

Needless to say, this suggestion that the Big Bang could not happen provoked the same exact reaction as the suggestion that the Earth might not be the center of everything. Instead of questioning the basic assumption, great effort was made to find a way to evolve the new data in terms acceptable to the assumption of a universe spawned in a single moment of creation. A complex Cosmology theory sprang up, encouraged by those invested in the "Big Bang" to explain why the basic foundational principles of physics behaved differently in the first few milliseconds of time. The math work is impressive, as impressive as that which supported the theory of the epicycles, but it is really just a polite way of saying "The rules just didn't apply when we need them not to apply".

An attempt was made to prove the Big Bang by searching for the "Cosmic Background Radiation", the presumed energy echo from the primordial explosion. and indeed a radio noise signal was picked up. Like Aristotle, and like Hubble, the discoverers of the Cosmic Background Radiation assumed the signal meant what they thought it did and could have no alternative explanation. The discovery of the Cosmic Background Radiation was then heralded as final proof of the Big Bang theory, and those institutions invested in that theory celebrated.

But just as the theory of epicycles did not accurately predict the observed motion of the planets, the Big Bang Theory turned out to be less than accurate about the radiation signal detected in space.

For one thing, there is the "Horizon Problem". At present, the known universe spans 28 billion light years and is assumed to be 14 billion years old. (Obviously unless we actually ARE the center of the universe, it may be assumed that the universe probably extends even further in at least one direction). Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, so there is no way heat radiation could have traveled between the two horizons to even out the hot and cold spots created in the big bang and leave the thermal equilibrium we see now.

When the satellite COBE was sent up to analyze the Cosmic Background Radiation, it discovered instead of the smooth featureless glow predicted by the cosmologists a highly complex and detailed structure. Yet again, rather than question the prime assumption that the signal being analyzed was actually from a supposed "Big Bang", research was encouraged to find a way to fit the data into the existing theory, again on the assumption that the signal detected could not be from any other source. And yet, an alternative explanation for the signal was right at hand, indeed literally on all sides.

Our Solar System and planets have heavy elements (without which you would not be here) because at some time prior to the creation of our Solar System another star in the immediate vicinity exploded, creating the heavy elements and scattering them into the universe. Every star that explodes creates a planetary nebula, such as the one easily seen with amateur telescopes in the constellation Lyra. A planetary nebula is a bubble of debris in space, and given the presence of heavy elements in our own Solar System, then somewhere out in space there must be the tenuous remains of a billions of years old planetary nebula, the result of the not-so-very-big bang, viewable from our unique point of view near the center. This model of Earth lying at the center of the remains of a supernova predicts exactly the sort of structure that COBE found in the presumed Cosmic Background Radiation. But as was the case with Galileo and Bruno, challengers to the "approved" creation myths face a tough time, albeit funding cuts have replaced torture and being burned alive at the stake.

So pervasive is this bias to see the universe as created in a Biblical-consistent "Big Bang" that when William G. Tifft submitted his first article on the quantization of the observed Red Shift to Astrophysical Journal, the Journal published it because they could not find errors in it, yet still felt compelled to editorially distance themselves from the conclusions.

The conclusions derived from quantized red shift are devastating to the conventional view of the universe created in a single Big Bang, as devastating as Galileo's first telescope was to the theory that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Georges Lemaître (like Aristotle) assumed there was no other explanation for the red shift he observed than the motion of the observed objects relative to Earth. But given the theory that the universe is expanding uniformly, the amount of red shifts would have to be uniformly and randomly distributed.

But they aren't.

The observed red shifts in the sky are quantized, falling into discreet intervals. This is not explained by the theory that the red shift is produced solely by relative velocity. Some other effect is at work. And that means that the assumption that the universe is expanding based solely on the red shift is invalidated. Some other effect IS at work that explains the observations, quite possibly one that triggers a quantized red shift over vast distances without respect to relative velocity.

Which means the universe is not expanding. Which means there was no moment of creation, no "Big Bang" with an epicycle-esque cosmology to explain why the greatest black hole of all didn't behave like a black hole. Which means that the background radiation mapped by COBE which didn't quite fit the Big Bang model is probably the remnant of the stellar explosion that created the heavy elements making up that computer you are reading this on.

But the lesson for our time of just how much our society remains dominated by religious superstitions is revealed by the fact that the quantized red-shift is NOT a new discovery. The first article regarding the observed data appeared in 1976, a quarter of a century ago. Since then, scientists as much in the service of superstition as were those scientists who "studied" epicycles have repeatedly tried to disprove the observations of Tifft and Cocke, only to confirm and re-confirm the truth, that there is a quantized red-shift, which casts doubt on the theory of an expanding universe and a "Big bang" creation.

Yet even though hard evidence exists to warrant a full re-examination of the basic assumption of the expanding universe, our science classes and TV programs still promote the "Big Bang" view, just as the erroneous theory of Aristotle continued to be promoted even after Galileo proved it wrong, because one theory fits into a theology, and the other does not.

Man's progress is not measured by the reaches of his science but by the limits of his superstition. The truth is known. But the truth is unpopular.

The assumption that there must be a beginning to the universe is merely a human invention. We believe that we see things have beginnings and ends before us, but in truth we are seeing matter change form. A particular configuration may have a beginning and an end, but that the actual matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed is an axiom pf physics. Miss April may be only 20 years old, but the atoms in her heavenly body are indeed heavenly bodies, being the remains of ancient exploded stars, and in THAT form for billions of years.

Ancients believed that the Earth was the center of the universe. But while we grudgingly admit that Earth orbits the sun and that our sun is nowhere near the center of the milky way, the idea that Earth is the center of all remains at the heart of the assumptions of the Big Bang theory. The "Bangers" describe the furthest objects we can detect (currently 13 billion light years) and from that calculate the age of the universe (currently set at 14 billion years).

But that only works if we ASSUME that the Earth is the center for all the cosmos that we can see. It is true that we are seeing objects out to the edge of our technological limits
and we are seeing them in all directions. We do not see an obvious end to the universe. Logically, the odds are far greater than what we can actually see is really just a tiny bubble in a truly
infinite universe, rather than we just happen to be that one in trillions of worlds that wound up at the point of origin for the expanding field of debris from the Big Bang (i.e. the location of the original singlularity). And if we abandon the assumption that we see most of the the universe from a fortunate position near the location of the original singlularity, then we cannot really know how large the universe really is, and the mathematics by which we claim to know the age based on the size break down completely. We truly are trying to calculate the number of angels that can dance on the head of a pin.


  Perhaps the biggest contradiction with the Big Bang Theory is the question of the singularity. The "primordial egg" had to be a super-massive black hole. Therefore no amount of "bang", no matter how big, is going to thrust the universe out into, well, the universe.

  Cosmologists eager to promote the Big Bang Theory have hit upon the "explanation" that the laws of physics, gravity., etc. simply did not apply in those first few moments of the universe. The present Cosmology theory is that the universe enjoyed a period of "rulelessness" of about  3 seconds, after which the elements formed and the fundamental forces of the universe, gravity included, were functioning as we see them today.

  Ah, but there is a problem. The singularity formed by the primordial egg turns out to be rather large.

  Estimates of the total mass of the universe vary wildly, given that the ends of the universe have not yet been determined. One estimate is found at  http://www.rostra.dk/louis/quant_11.html of 2.6*1060.

  From the mass, you can calculate the diameter of the event horizon by finding the distance from a point mass that will have an escape velocity of c. Use sqrt(2GM/r) where M is the mass of the hole (the entire universe in this case) and r is the radius (classical), and G is the gravitational constant. Work it backward starting at c and you get c^2=2GM/r.

  This works out to an event horizon light years across!

  In short, at the moment in time when the Big Bang theorists claim the universe was functioning as it does today, complete with all fundamental forces, the entirety of the universe's mass was still well within the event horizon of its own gravity well. That the well was not the product of a true singularity is irrelevant, Newton's equation provides an equivalent gravity field for a singularity or a super dense mass in a localized region.

  Therefore the Big Bang, as currently described, could not have produced the universe as we see it today. At three seconds, the time the theorists claim the universe started operating as we know it, it would have come under the influence of its own gravity and unable to reach an escape velocity exceeding that of light, collapsed back into itself.


For the purposes of this thought experiment, let us assume that God waved a magic wand and the universe popped into existence from a Big Bang, and that "somehow" the universe escaped from it's own gravity well. With the entire 2.6*1060 mass/energy of the universe confined to that small region, the temperatures and pressures amount to a super-supernova. We already know that in the cataclysm of a supernova, the heavier elements are created. That is where all the heavy elements in your body were created; inside an exploding star. Therefore, in that moment of super-creation called the Big Bang, as the universe started to operate by the rules we know today, the expanding universe should be creating all the known heavy elements.

So, how to explain the Population II stars?

Population II stars are stars with no heavy elements in them. When they explode at the end of their life cycles, heavy elements are created. These are swept up by stars that form afterwards creating Population I stars, usually with planets around them. Population I stars have heavy elements. Population II stars do not.

If the Big Bang had happened, the universe would be filled with heavy elements created in those first few moments the universe started to operate under the rules of physics we know today. There should not be any stars in existence devoid of those heavy elements. And yet there are.

The existence of Population II stars, devoid of heavy elements, directly contradicts the theory of the Big Bang.


The Big Bang is currently imagined to have occurred 14 billion years ago.

The farthest object seen in the sky by the Hubble and Keck Telescopes is 13 billion light-years distant, and is assumed to have been created when the universe was just 750 million years old. It would take at least that long (if not longer) for the material from the theorized Big Bang to coalesce into stars and for those stars to form a rotating galaxy.

But here is the problem. We are seeing that object 13 billion light-years distant not as it is today and where it is today but as it was and where it was, 13 billion years ago, 13 billion light-years distant from earth.

In other words, for this galaxy to lie 13 billion light-years away from Earth only 750 million years after the Big Bang, it would have had to travel 13 billion light years in just 750 million years' time. That requires the galaxy in question to travel more than 17 times faster than the speed of light, a speed limit which according to the Big Bang supporters was in effect from the moment the universe was 3 seconds old.


The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 9

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 8

@NASA_GoddardPix, 21/07/10 14:10

NASA Goddard Images (@NASA_GoddardPix)
21/07/10 14:10
If you have been following our oil spill images check out this FAQ article from @NASA_EO about these satellite images: http://bit.ly/ci9cuY

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@TheUFOGuy, 21/07/10 14:07

UFO Guy (@TheUFOGuy)
21/07/10 14:07
What does the Venezuelan Air Force know about UFOs and alien life? http://bit.ly/bY2dgY

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

Sí en verdad soy un payaso, ¿pero qué le voy hacer?


martes, 20 de julio de 2010

Felipe Calderón Bilderberg Globalista

Vi en a televisión que en la Expo Bicentenario en Guanajuato hay un pabellón dedicado a hacer propaganda y lavar el cerebro respecto al "Calentamiento Globál", hay un globo terráqueo color rojo infierno, fotos alarmistas y huesos de animales víctimas del CO2 (gas que exhalamos los animales y que las plantas absorben para producir nuestro vital oxígeno)

Gente como Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, David Rockefeller, crearon este jugoso negocio de trillones de Euros al año, se van a cobrar impuestos agregados a todos los bienes: Huellas de CO2 y Huellas de Agua, que significan cuanto CO2 y cuanta Agua se generó y se gasto, respectivamente, al manufacturar el bién dado, el gobierno lo va a cobrar pero este impuesto va ir a parar directo a las corporaciones privadas que cabildean estos impuestos y les va a servir para financiarles su Gobierno Mundial.

El clima no es fijo es dinámico y cambia, en la Edad Media había un clima cálido en Europa del Norte, se cultivaban uvas en Inglaterra, en el siglo XIX hubo una miniglaciación en Europa, la gente patinaba en el Thames congelado, recuerden las Edades de Hielo también.

Todo sobre el Fraude del Cambio Climático/Calentamiento Global:





Castigan el ahorro.

En este momento que escribo, me siento cegado, tengo prendidas todas las luces de mi habitación y ya conecté a la clavija los aparatos que no uso regularmente.

Esto debido a que mi último recibo de luz, en vez de cobrarme los kilowatts gastados, me hicieron un estimado ya que les pareció muy bajo mi consumo.

¿Cómo es posible? que por una parte nos estén lavando el cerebro con la propaganda del falso Calentamiento Globál de Orígen Humano y por otro lado castiguen a la gente que decidimos no desperdiciar energía?

¡Bravo a su estupidéz!

Ver  imagen en tamaño completo

Los organismos municipales de agua también castigan el ahorro, para evitar altos recibos cuando salgo de viaje pongo una manguera en la llave de enfrente y le aviso a mis vecinos que pueden tomar toda el agua que quieran.


El Escorpión y la Rana.

Estaba una rana a la orilla del río y llega un escorpión:

-"Rana, déjame montar en tu espalda para alcanzar la otra orilla junto contigo."
-"¿Estás loco?" -le contesta la rana- "¿Por que habría de llevarte siendo tu un escorpión?"
-"Te juro que he cambiado, y reevaluado mi forma de ser y comportarme, ¡anda hazme este favor!"
-"Está bién monta sobre mi..."
Y es así que la rana atraviesa el río llevando al escorpión. Pero al llegar a la otra orilla, el escorpión pica a la rana; ésta moribunda le alcanza a decir:
-"¿Por qué lo hiciste escorpión? yo creí en tí..."
-"Rana, no olvides que soy un escorpión."



INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES - Adventure Travel Around the World

I recommend them, the gave me an excellent service some ten years ago:

INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES - Adventure Travel Around the World

MiG-31 flights take place in the town of Nizhny Novgorod, a train or plane ride from Moscow. You'll take off from the Sokol Aircraft Building Plant, a facility that's been manufacturing MiGs for over 70 years and fly with a top Russian test pilot. In the MiG-31, you can fly almost 21 km high to where the sky appears black above and blue below. (That's roughly 68,000 ft high.) You'll sit in the back seat of the MiG and enjoy the view out two side windows. During the flight, you'll be allowed to take the controls and experience what it's like to help fly a MiG-31.

The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

12 year old girl forced in Chertoff's naked body scanner w/out parents knowing

12 year old girl forced in Chertoff's naked body scanner w/out parents knowing: "He said he was not notified she would be taken to the other line.

Duck Tales Inflation Lesson

Don't Go to Law School -- find out why

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Why Silver? Part 2 of 2

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The insider: chemtrails KC-10 sprayer air to air - The proof ====✈

Hugo Salinas Price at GATA Gold Conference (Part 2/3)

Hugo Salinas Price at GATA Gold Conference (Part 2/3): "Hugo Salinas Price at GATA Gold Conference (Part 2/3)

Silver: Wizard of Oz

Hugo Salinas Price at GATA Gold Conference (Part 1/3)

@Eliseirena, 14/07/10 19:27

Adela Cedillo (@Eliseirena)
14/07/10 19:27
Los que no tengan ni idea de Monsanto, la mayor productora de semillas transgénicas del mundo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ln4Okz7eb0Q

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

@yohanandiaz, 19/07/10 12:55

Yohanan Díaz Vargas (@yohanandiaz)
19/07/10 12:55
EL GRÁFICO. COLUMNA ENIGMAS. OVNI de Campeche: Manipulación digital. http://bit.ly/alvmzo

Sent with Twitter for iPhone

domingo, 18 de julio de 2010

Monty Python - Mr. Hilter

Daytime UFO over Phoenix Az - January 2010

Youtube censura 'Obama Deception', film número uno en la red

Billy Meier

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 7

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 6

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 5

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 4

From: Frank Herbert by Timothy O'Reilly

http://itunes.com/apps/Stanza. "Part 6": The Heaven Makers (1967) touches on many of the same ideas as The Eyes of Heisenberg. It, too, is about immortality and its consequences. The Chem, ageless rulers of the galaxy, face the same problem as the Optimen. Although they are older than suns, their science is not really that much more advanced than our own. They are frozen in time. The device that gives them immortality is appropriately named–they are all caught in Tiggywaugh's Web. In the face of forever, the Chem play games of participation in life–the "pantovive," in which they manipulate planetary histories for their amusement–to lose the taste of eternity. Humans, locked into time and forced to deal with death, have a truer grasp of forever. They seem larger than life to the Chem; their life force itself so much more intense.

Herbert does a beautiful job of evoking the poignant thrill the Chem receive from their pantovive excursions into mortality. We, too, feel the thrill, because their pantovive is our history, conceived with an artist's sense of passion and color. The Chem were the gods of our distant past. One of them recalls fondly, "I once was the God Ea, striking terror into captive Jews … in Sumeria a while back. It was harmless fun setting up religious patterns among you." Now the Chem continue to "produce and direct" the present.

viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

David Irving's newsletter Action Report On-line

David Irving's newsletter Action Report On-line
REAL History

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 3

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 2

The Obama Deception Sub Spanish 1

@LRO_NASA, 16/07/10 19:27

16/07/10 19:27
One of three large pit craters so far found on the Moon -- do these pits
provide access to open lava tubes? Image... http://fb.me/vxN6oEoY

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WOW! Wormhole/Stargate emits UFOs - July 10, 2010 Western PA, (Part 1)

RECURRING SIGHTING! Filmed from North Irwin, PA by fellow local skywatcher energeeeresearch, this recurring "fake star" is seen regularly at twilight over area located in several different directions from him--INCLUDING MURRYSVILLE.