viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010

BP Spills Coffee

BP Spills Coffee

Graham Hancock - Origins of Consciousness

Mr. Bean, Episode 10: Do It Yourself, Mr. Bean

@Joered, 31/12/10 17:47

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 31/12/10 10:16

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
31/12/10 10:16
The man who 'invented' Global Warming and thinks killing YOU will save the planet! #climategate #agw #climaterealism

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 31/12/10 10:10

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
31/12/10 10:10
FLASHBACK- Global Warming Cultist finds out hard way arctic is just as cold as ever! #climategate #agw #climaterealism

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 31/12/10 10:05

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
31/12/10 10:05
FLASHBACK - Global warming cultist tries to kayak to North Pole to prove ice is melting. #climategate #agw

jueves, 30 de diciembre de 2010

The Ledge

Interview to Jacques Vallee

Hi Neil

listen to this 40mins interview, 4 parts, to french ufologist Jacques Valler, author of Passport to Magonia

He explains the non-extraterrestrial origin of the UFO phenomenon


RAMMSTEIN - EL SONIDITO (das kleine ton)

Rain- The Beatles

@NWOBlog, 30/12/10 19:00

John Malcolm (@NWOBlog)
30/12/10 19:00
Con #05 Global warming is an invention.

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 30/12/10 18:59

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
30/12/10 18:59
Minnesotans For Global Warming Song (If We Had Some Global Warming)! #agw #climategate #algore #humor

@gl0bal_warming, 30/12/10 13:06

Save the Planet (@gl0bal_warming)
30/12/10 13:06
RT SINGER: No proof man causes global warming - Washington Times Natural variation fits fact...

miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010

FEMA trains in Mexico

@Elipokecin, 29/12/10 18:29

ElisaVillarrealLuna (@Elipokecin)
29/12/10 18:29
las piezas del acelerador llamado PELLETRON en la UNAM @jccortes @Carlos_S01 @CasadeAisling @humbersant

@Elipokecin, 29/12/10 18:28

ElisaVillarrealLuna (@Elipokecin)
29/12/10 18:28
:D @Carlos_S01 @kuma_hatake @CasadeAisling @Icniu @humbersant explicación del pelletron

@Nadinepink, 29/12/10 16:43

Nadine Kerr Cortés (@Nadinepink)
29/12/10 16:43
La Fuerza Aérea Argentina investigará OVNIS ccp @Carlos_S01 Cómo sé que es uno de tus temas preferidos,verdad?? =)

@peedpiper, 29/12/10 12:46

Peed Piper (@peedpiper)
29/12/10 12:46
The New World Order, FREE ebook by H.G. Wells, no sig-up, log-in or obligations,

@Pajaropolitico, 29/12/10 13:08

animalpolitico (@Pajaropolitico)
29/12/10 13:08
La tienda de armas en México se venden a través de la Dirección de Comercialización de Armas y Municiones: #WP

lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

@Chibiyu, 27/12/10 18:27

Julieta (@Chibiyu)
27/12/10 18:27
Enterate: La Gran Manipulacion Cosmica Juan G. Atienza []

@TPO_Hisself, 27/12/10 14:04

Tom O'Halloran (@TPO_Hisself)
27/12/10 14:04
Here is a leftie Scientist wishing mass death on Americans 2 further the "global warming" movement. #AlGore #TCOT

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

Making of AT-AT day afternoon


@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 26/12/10 19:24

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
26/12/10 19:24
3,149 UK Wind Turbines – Produced Less Than 0.5% Of UK's Electricity Needs #climategate #junkscience #climaterealism

@NWOBlog, 26/12/10 18:15

John Malcolm (@NWOBlog)
26/12/10 18:15
A Simple Guide: How Liberalism, a Euphemism for Socialism, Destroys People and Nations

sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

Giza Power Plant Part 4

Giza Power Plant Part 3

Giza Power Plant Part 2

Christopher Dunn Giza Power Plant 01

Graham Hancock - Quest for the Lost Civilization (3 of 14)

Graham Hancock - Quest for the Lost Civilization (2 of 14)

Graham Hancock - Quest for the Lost Civilization (1 of 14)

BBC News - Bangs big and small in cosmic origins debate

BBC News - Bangs big and small in cosmic origins debate: "There's an idea in the area of physics known as quantum mechanics that suggests one can't measure a phenomenon without influencing the result.

It turns out that sometimes this same 'observer effect' crops up in science journalism.

The story goes that, right now, there is a quiet debate happening that could have implications for how the Universe as we know it came to be - and what came before.

And the debate is being driven in part by the fact that news outlets including BBC News took a small peek into the machine of modern-day astrophysics.

viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010

martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

BBC News - New Zealand releases UFO government files

BBC News - New Zealand releases UFO government files

Cut CO2 or we'll blow up your kids: 10:10 climate change ad shock

Activistas españoles contra el Nuevo Orden Mundial

Hallan elemento cancerígeno en agua de 31 ciudades de EU | Ediciones Impresas Milenio

Hallan elemento cancerígeno en agua de 31 ciudades de EU | Ediciones Impresas Milenio: "Un estudio ha detectado en el agua potable de 31 ciudades de Estados Unidos cromo-6, sustancia cancerígena que se utiliza para fabricar plásticos, la cual suele acumularse en aguas cercanas a lugares donde se desarrolla la industria del acero y la textil.

Las ciudades con niveles más elevados son Norman (Oklahoma), Honolulu (Hawai) y Riverside (California), revela el estudio realizado por el grupo medioambiental Environmental Working Group (EWG), que ha analizado la salubridad del agua en 35 ciudades, entre las que también destacan: Nueva York, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, Miami, Boston, Chicago y Washington, entre otros.

El grupo denuncia que pese a la evidencia de los efectos tóxicos de esta sustancia, la Agencia de Protección Ambiental no ha establecido un límite legal en el agua corriente, ni exige pruebas a los servicios de aguas.

En Norman, ciudad con población de 90 mil habitantes, el nivel de cromo fue 200 veces mayor al nivel de seguridad propuesto.

Los humanos están habituados a ingerir niveles reducidos de cromo, sin embargo, ingerirlo en exceso puede causar reacciones alérgicas, erupciones cutáneas, malestares estómacales y úlceras, así como irritación, sangrado de la nariz y problemas respiratorios, además de afectar al sistema inmune y provocar cáncer.

“Todos los días las madres embarazadas, los niños y muchos estadounidenses beben agua mezclada con esta sustancia química que causa cáncer”, dijo Rebecca Sutton, científico de EWG, quien señaló: “Si la EPA pidiera a los servicios públicos locales hacer pruebas para detectar cromo hexavalente, por lo menos, la gente sabría que está presente en el agua que consumen”. Sutton se mostró a favor de que estas pruebas sean obligatorias para todos los servicios públicos y así evitar la ingesta de la sustancia.

El Programa Nacional de Toxicología del Departamento de Salud ha advertido que el cromo-6 en el agua muestra “una clara evidencia de actividad cancerígena” en animales de laboratorio y aumenta el riesgo de tumores gastrointestinales. El grupo recomienda instalar filtros para reducir la cantidad de cromo en el líquido

Respecto al agua embotellada, esta también carece de regulación por lo que los consumidores tampoco pueden asumir que esté libre de contaminación.

- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

Rammstein - Amerika (Music Video with English subtitles)

Alex Jones: ONU planea regular internet debido a Wikileaks (18-12-10)

Alex Jones: Policía británica considera prohibir protestas en el Reino U...

ISS Update - Dec. 21, 2010


Stop Global Warming!
JammieWearingFool: "This amusing photo goes hand in glove with this idiocy:

@BreakingScience, 21/12/10 14:10

Science News (@BreakingScience)
21/12/10 14:10
How Earth's orbital shift shaped the Sahara via

@NWOBlog, 21/12/10 10:47

John Malcolm (@NWOBlog)
21/12/10 10:47
It's time to defund the United Nations

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 21/12/10 10:38

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
21/12/10 10:38
Experiment warmistas tried to suppress confirms link btwn cosmic rays and cloud cover. #climategate #agw #cop16 #IPCC

@Simple2GO, 21/12/10 09:13

Simple2GO!! Travel (@Simple2GO)
21/12/10 09:13
#Travel: Mayan buildings may have operated as sound projectors: A team of archaeologists from Mexico say buildin...

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

#Gaza2 Campaign « Break The Siege

#Gaza2 Campaign « Break The Siege: "Dear friends,

Palestine suffers injustice, and oppression, and apartheid more than ever before. Torn into pieces, settlements scattering it all, the Holy Land is assaulted and its people massacred and discriminated while the whole political world is watching, turning blind to Israel’s violations of human rights and international laws toward the Palestinians.

As you all know, we are approaching the 2nd anniversary of the offensive on Gaza by the Israeli Occupation Forces, a massacre among others perpetrated against the Palestinian people. During 22 days in 2008-2009, more than 1,400 Palestinians were slaughtered, over a third of them were children and women.

Many initiatives aimed to break the siege imposed by Israel since Hamas took over the Strip in 2006, one of which resulted in the assassination of 9 peace activists in international waters on last May, when Israeli Navy assaulted the Mavi Marmara. Since then, a blockade ease has been demanded by the international community, in vain, as Gaza still lacks medicines, basic food and electricity, and is daily bombed by Israeli F16s.

We, citizens of the world, demand more than just an ease. We, citizens of the world, demand freedom for all Gazans, freedom of movement, freedom of exportation and importation, we demand the complete lift of that inhuman siege, claiming more lives day after day. Till when will the Palestinians of Gaza suffer power shortage? Till when will the patients bear the lack of medicines? Till when will the children of Gaza wake up and sleep to the sound of aircrafts? When will the Strip live on its own agriculture, and stop being dependent from the humanitarian convoys?

There is a real awakening, we can all feel it from the multiplication of convoys and flotillas, from the wave of recognition of Palestine as a State by other countries, from the NGOs’ calls denouncing the misery Israel keeps Gaza in. And this is because the information is being spread better and better.

Hence, we decided to launch an online campaign officially starting on December, 27th 2010 to raise awareness and mark the massacre’s 2nd anniversary. The principle is simple:

- On Twitter, post/repost all the tweets concerning Gaza with the #Gaza2 hashtag. It can be links, news, facts, personal statements. @VEPalestine will be posting intensively, so you can use it as a bank of posts. You can also click here for a real time feed of every mention of #Gaza2 on Twitter.

- Join here the #Gaza2 Campaigners twitter list and follow those in that group to be able to have a great variety of links to share and create a wide network.

- On Facebook, same principle. Post and repost the links you can find on Gaza. The aim, again, is to raise awareness.

Luis Adelantado Gallery, Mexico City - Video - ABC Arts

Luis Adelantado Gallery, Mexico City - Video - ABC Arts: "Venture to vibrant Mexico City to visit one of the most exciting contemporary art spaces in the country. We speak with a few multi-disciplinary emerging artists from Luis Adelantado Gallery about their artwork and arts practice in Mexico.

viernes, 17 de diciembre de 2010

JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty

JFK by L. Fletcher Prouty: "This might answer my question.......

Quote from: Keel

Operation Trojan Horse Keel argues that a non-human or spiritual intelligence source has staged whole events over a long period of time in order to propagate and reinforce certain erroneous belief systems. For example, the fairy faith in Middle Europe, vampire legends, mystery airships in 1897, mystery aeroplanes of the 1930s, mystery helicopters, anomalous creature sightings, poltergeist phenomena, balls of light, and UFOs. Keel conjectures that ultimately all of these anomalies are a cover for the real phenomenon.

@NASA_Hubble, 17/12/10 09:55

Hubble (@NASA_Hubble)
17/12/10 09:55
WOW! Check out the best NASA Hubble images of 2010 at

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

@Drudge_Report, 16/12/10 09:46

Drudge Report (@Drudge_Report)
16/12/10 09:46
Ancient Roman statue buried for centuries uncovered by powerful storm...

lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 14/12/10 01:24

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
14/12/10 01:24
Lord Moncton In Cancun - The Abdication Of The West #cop16 #climategate #agw #un #fail #tcot #ipcc #climaterealism

@arlekinsitoisai, 14/12/10 01:15

ArlekinsitOficial FM (@arlekinsitoisai)
14/12/10 01:15
Aqui esta la #lluviadeestrellas con uds. RT! si lo vez

@BreakingScience, 14/12/10 01:10

Science News (@BreakingScience)
14/12/10 01:10
Cosmic Radiation Features Could Suggest Our Universe Is Not Alone via

@LovSoCaL, 14/12/10 00:24

Jackie (@LovSoCaL)
14/12/10 00:24
More than a religion, Global warming is a CULT #climateHOAX #tcot #goreLIED

TROLOLO ¿Quién es el?

The Secret of the Universe 2 of 6

The Secret of the Universe 1 of 6

@Joered, 13/12/10 18:23

Joe Coro (@Joered)
13/12/10 18:23
La Elite y sus medios te engañaron: Calentamiento Global: El Planeta Rojo sufre de calentamiento global

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2010

@PatDollard, 12/12/10 00:27

Patrick Dollard (@PatDollard)
12/12/10 00:27
Lost Civilization May Have Existed Beneath The Persian Gulf

@TPO_Hisself, 11/12/10 17:50

Tom O'Halloran (@TPO_Hisself)
11/12/10 17:50
I'm moving to Mexico.... a letter to Obama

@constanthealth, 11/12/10 08:09

Bruce S Preble (@constanthealth)
11/12/10 08:09
Vaccine call after swine flu deaths

@mparent77772, 11/12/10 07:57

Marc Parent (@mparent77772)
11/12/10 07:57
Mother wins cash payout for damage her son suffered from MMR vaccine jab

@NWOBlog, 11/12/10 07:42

John Malcolm (@NWOBlog)
11/12/10 07:42
CDC Data Shows H1N1 Vaccine Perfect for Population Control -

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

GCN-The Alex Jones Show Podcast

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 10/12/10 19:16

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
10/12/10 19:16
If We Lose our Internet Freedoms Because of #Wikileaks, You Should At Least Know Why #propaganda #fraud #dictatorship

@BreakingScience, 10/12/10 19:10

Science News (@BreakingScience)
10/12/10 19:10
Navy test fires electromagnetic cannon via

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 10/12/10 18:25

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
10/12/10 18:25
The Plain Truth about Glorious Carbon Dioxide #climategate #agw #fraud #climaterealism #cop16

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

Basil Poledouris - Fed Net March(Klendathu Drop) from Starship Troopers

Echa un vistazo a este vídeo en Youtube:

Diciembre mas frio de la historia en Cancún

Save the Planet (@gl0bal_warming)
09/12/10 10:47
RT 51 degrees Cancun this morning. Coldest December morning in recorded history. Chilly at the Global Warming Co...

@dailygalaxy, 09/12/10 10:23

The Daily Galaxy (@dailygalaxy)
09/12/10 10:23
NASA Zooms in on the 1st Carbon-Rich Planet Beyond Solar System

@dailygalaxy, 09/12/10 10:13

The Daily Galaxy (@dailygalaxy)
09/12/10 10:13
NASA Warns Global Warming Models Wrong -Don't Account for Cooling Factors

@El_Chamuco, 09/12/10 10:11

El_Chamuco (@El_Chamuco)
09/12/10 10:11
Ecologista - Cartón de @monerohernandez

@BreakingScience, 09/12/10 10:06

Science News (@BreakingScience)
09/12/10 10:06
Making Something From Nothing: Researchers Find That Matter Can Be Conjured from a Vac via

@WRH_Mike_Rivero, 09/12/10 09:38

Michael Rivero (@WRH_Mike_Rivero)
09/12/10 09:38
Record Cold in Florida - 169 year record broken. #climategate #agw #fraud #climaterealism #cop16