martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

OFFICIAL 'Kirk' Trailer

LOOSELY based on the true story of the Reverend Robert Kirk of Aberfoyle, a scholar and minister of religion, who believed in the Secret Commonwealth of Elves and Faeries. Our film shows how passionately he wanted his wife to also believe, and the drastic action he took to fulfill this mission. Set in the 17th Century, and filmed in the beautiful locations of Loch Lomond, Ardyll Woods Cashel Forest Rowardennan, and Culross conservation village in Fife. This romantic and mystical tale will please audiences of all ages.

Arthur C Clarke's World of Strange Powers Ghosts, 3 of 3

Arthur C Clarke's World of Strange Powers Ghosts, 2 of 3

A False Flag Odyssey
In Stanley Kubrick's motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey, Heywood Floyd, chairman of the National Council of Astronautics (NCA), orchestrates a false flag alien artifact discovery. The alleged discovery of a black monolith buried 40 feet below the surface of the moon is in fact staged by Dr. Floyd and fellow members of the NCA as justification for the continued support of the NCA's monolith-chasing missions, including the Discovery mission to Jupiter.

This article pieces together symbols deliberately embedded into the film to show that the monolith is really the movie screen rotated by 90 degrees. This insight is the gateway into understanding what may be Kubrick's ultimate point of the film: Our perception of significant real-world events (such as the lunar monolith discovery) are often times false flag operations carried out by small groups of people, by metaphorically projecting their image of the truth onto the movie screens of our minds in order to control and manipulate the population at large.

Dave Bowman's odyssey to enlightenment about the true conspiratorial nature of the mission and the NCA is represented by the stargate journey, renaissance room, and a rebirth in which he looks upon the world with new eyes.

SR 13d March 31, 2010, NASA and Big Banks

Police State 4: El ascenso de FEMA (11/13) --SUBIDA EN PROCESO

Greatest Doctor Who cliffhangers of all time!

io9 (@io9)
31/08/10 17:18
Greatest Doctor Who cliffhangers of all time!

Mandelbrot set

Mandelbrot set

@NASA_Ares, 31/08/10 10:40

Arthur C Clarke's World of Strange Powers Ghosts, 1 of 3

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Superman I.V

Greatest Superman Moment Ever

Youtube user mcamoran comments:
All the things they do make sense if we understand that they act on a 2D cinema wide-screen and 3D world. All the people inside the movie are 2D characters, they cannot understand the existence of another dimension, Remember when superman spinned the earth backwards to make the time go back in order to change the bad events? He just rolled the film backwards and the 2D characters (also the real viewers of the film US) thought he did this for real.

So we have a movie pattern where some characters act inside a 2D and 3D reality. A gun of a 2D world cannot harm superman (or the rebels) because they know that they can move inside the 3rd dimension .

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 6 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 5 of 6

Aliens - Sigourney Weaver and the Firemen

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 4 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 3 of 6

SR 11 Why Government is Good - v. 2.0

Doctor Who 40 Years and beyond

@Drudge_Report, 30/08/10 19:04

Drudge Report (@Drudge_Report)
30/08/10 19:04

@infowarsstories, 30/08/10 13:48

infowarsstories (@infowarsstories)
30/08/10 13:48
UN climate change panel to be warned over reports: Telegraph | The United Nation's climate change organisation fac...

@tribudelectus, 30/08/10 10:12

TribuAmericas (@tribudelectus)
30/08/10 10:12
Telefónica España busca acabar con la neutralidad de Internet y cobrar más a los que hacen streaming y descargan videos o música

@CosmicEvolution, 30/08/10 10:10

Dr. David Warmflash (@CosmicEvolution)
30/08/10 10:10
Does the Coma Cluster Cloak an Ancient Universe? /via @dailygalaxy #cosmology #science #space

Obama’s new tax on…Rainwater!?

Obama’s new tax on…Rainwater!?: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange

The Great Collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange

domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

India Halts Vaccine Program After Children Deaths

India Halts Vaccine Program After Children Deaths

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 2 of 6

Arthur Clarke - Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity 1 of 6

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 12)

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 11)

Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us (Lyrics on Screen) Prison Ver...

Denunciar al #NWO le costó la vida a Michael Jackson

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 10)

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 9)

Bye Bye, Baikonur! Russian rockets to blast off from own space launch pa...

Police State 4: El ascenso de FEMA (10/13) --SUBIDA EN PROCESO

@WorldPeace2Day, 29/08/10 10:35

World Peace (@WorldPeace2Day)
29/08/10 10:35
Amnesty int'l calls on israel to investigate deliberate poisoning of Palestinian livestock by Jewish settlers

@NwoStop, 29/08/10 10:33

NWO Stop (@NwoStop)
29/08/10 10:33
#nwo Vaccine Zombie song and video warns of vaccination dangers

Ancient skeleton of prehistoric child removed from Mexican underwater cave | Mail Online

Ancient skeleton of prehistoric child removed from Mexican underwater cave | Mail Online: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Quantum Enigma Debate (pt. 2)

The Ultimate Red Pill Will Break Your Trance!

Un mundo feliz 9-9

Un mundo feliz 8-9

@Jnoubiyeh, 27/08/10 00:20

Sarah Abdallah (@Jnoubiyeh)
27/08/10 00:20
The Zionist Lobby exercises enormous influence on US Middle East policies all for the benefit of Israel B. Sandler's review of Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Conscio... B. Sandler's review of Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness
Free will & the Quantum Enigma, March 31, 2008
By B. Sandler
This review is from: Quantum Enigma: Physics Encounters Consciousness (Hardcover)
This book is by far one of the most concise and simplest elucidations of various quantum phenomena... treating Copenhagen interpretation, the famous EPR paradox, Bell's theorem & inequality and more. Since I am not a physicist or physics major, I found their approach welcoming and I cannot critique the physics of the book, but I do have some major qualms with Quantum Enigma.

My prime objection to this book is that the authors implicitly believe in the reality & truth of free will throughout the text. I was a student in Bruce Rosenblum's class at UC Santa Cruz so I was able to ask questions to one of the authors of the book. The issue of free will was one that Rosenblum was not a fan of discussing, often dismissing the nearly uniform proclamation of the natural sciences that free will (i.e. our conscious control of choices) is an illusion.

This is may not seem like a profound objection to a book about physics, but Rosenblum & Kuttner insist themselves on the importance of free will to their book: "the existence of a quantum enigma depends crucially on free will." (p.168) If this is true, one would expect a substantial discussion of this concept yet the authors devote less than 2 pages to it. In these 2 pages, the authors admit, "Though it is hard to fit free will into a scientific worldview, we cannot ourselves, with any seriousness, doubt it. J.A. Hobson's comment seems apt to us: `Those of us with common sense are amazed at the resistance put up by psychologists, physiologists, and philosophers to the obvious reality of free will.'"

This quotation is essentially saying that Rosenblum and Kuttner cannot accept the notion that free will is an illusion because of "common sense." Physicists of all people should know that our so-called "common sense" and our intuitions are often skewed and sometimes totally incorrect. Quantum mechanics is a perfect example of this - as is Copernicus' discovery that we live in a heliocentric system - yet this notion of not trusting our "common sense" seems to not occur to Rosenblum and Kuttner in relation to free will. Often in the Quantum Enigma course (Physics 75), Bruce Rosenblum would simply say, "I know I have free will" - a statement that should make any philosopher, physicist, or biologist cringe - and presumably anyone who values empirical data over subjective "intuitions." Why should we trust our intuitions and "common sense" over the empirical data in this one case of our apparent free will?

The quotation above also belies a major problem with Quantum Enigma, where physics supposedly meets consciousness. The views of those fields named in the quotation above - psychologists, physiologists, and philosophers - are notably absent from Rosenblum and Kuttner's book. In Quantum Enigma where "physics meets consciousness," David Chalmers' book from the 80s is invoked often; they also mention Libet's studies from the 1980s. The problem with this is that an immense amount of research has been done since the 1980s in the blossoming field of neuroscience, which relate directly to our notions of intention, free will, consciousness, and self-representations. None of these findings are even mentioned even in passing in Quantum Enigma.

Patricia Churchland, a philosopher and neuroscientist, states in her book Brain-Wise, "So far, there is no evidence at all that some neuronal events happen without any cause... Importantly, even were uncaused neuronal events to be discovered, it is a further, substantial matter to show that precisely those events constitute choice." From a biological perspective, there appears to be no room for free will. Rosenblum and Kuttner even admit as much when they begin the quotation above with the phrase, "Though it is hard to fit free will into a scientific worldview..." If free will is hard to fit into a scientific worldview, and "the existence of a quantum enigma depends crucially on free will," would it not seem practical to devote a little more than two pages to the discussion of free will? Wouldn't it be necessary to understand the views of biologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers on these issues of consciousness and free will to have a full, accurate, scientific picture of the situation?

Certainly physics can expect to "encounter" consciousness because physics intends to find a holistic explanation of the universe, and consciousness is obviously part of the universe physics intends to explain. In our search to understand both quantum mechanics and consciousness, we must be honest and open to all sides of the story. Unfortunately, Rosenblum and Kuttner leave out the arguments from biology, psychology, neurology, and some physicists when discussing the quantum enigma where "physics encounters consciousness." This is an overwhelming handicap, especially because of the authors' supposedly "common sense" presupposition that humans have free will. I admit that there is certainly a quantum enigma that presents itself in what we know as the "measurement problem," and Rosenblum and Kuttner should be congratulated to attempt to bring this to light to combat pseudoscience. But to understand the Quantum Enigma, we cannot start with presupposed truths, especially including the notion that we have free will.

With this in mind, I give the book 3 stars for its extraordinary conciseness with which it explains the phenomena of physics but the lack of biology, philosophy, neuroscience, etc. severely handicaps their interpretations and conclusions.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

16 Things That Made The Internet Awesome In 2009 -

Twitter Tells Users To Go Fµ©k Themselves -

Google Threatens To Kill Users -

Quantum Enigma Debate (pt. 1)

Police State 4: El ascenso de FEMA (9/13) --SUBIDA EN PROCESO

Lindsay Lohan Poisoned! Along with 300 Million Other Americans

@REZIZTENCIA, 26/08/10 23:11

26/08/10 23:11
#Protesta #Mexico #15deSeptiembre #gritemos #Zocalo ¡Todos al suelo! ¿cómo se grita en todo #MEXICO ? ¡Todos al suelo! #TERRORismoDeESTADO

10 Practical Steps That You Can Take To Insulate Yourself (At Least Somewhat) From The Coming Economic Collapse

10 Practical Steps That You Can Take To Insulate Yourself (At Least Somewhat) From The Coming Economic Collapse

Un mundo feliz 7-9

@StopActaNow, 26/08/10 10:49

StopACTANow (@StopActaNow)
26/08/10 10:49
RT @eff Are iris scanners creating "Minority Report" dystopia in Mexican city of Leon? #privacy #distopia #acta

@orianagl, 26/08/10 10:45

Oriana (@orianagl)
26/08/10 10:45
Echa un vistazo a este vídeo. -- Fin del Juego: Plan de Exterminio Mundial. Parte 1 de 14 vía @youtube

@infowarsstories, 26/08/10 10:19

infowarsstories (@infowarsstories)
26/08/10 10:19
Post-Apocalyptic Predictive Programming For The Whole Family: Nicholas West | Discovery Channel's apocalyptic rea...

@CoUdErMaNn, 26/08/10 10:03

CoUdErMaNn (@CoUdErMaNn)
26/08/10 10:03
La nave espacial Dawn de la #NASA, llegará al gigantesco asteroide #Vesta

@symmetrymag, 26/08/10 09:56

symmetry magazine (@symmetrymag)
26/08/10 09:56
Video: The #CERN choir sings an ode to the #Higgs boson, to the tune of "The Hippopotamus Song":

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Full Movie - Part 3)

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 2)

The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Part 1)

@SowetanLIVE, 26/08/10 00:35

Sowetan LIVE (@SowetanLIVE)
26/08/10 00:35
RT @cellphoneprofit: The cellphone has become a weapon to control and monitor the ...: SowetanI tried to conduct an on

Police State 4: El ascenso de FEMA (8/13) --SUBIDA EN PROCESO

A Brave New World 6-9

Brave New World Music Video


León Guanajuato se va a volver una pesadilla Orwelliana.

Megalomaniacs Push For Orwellian “Safe” City, Controlled Internet

RFID Chips Forcing You To Recycle


(in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

@REZIZTENCIA, 25/08/10 14:41

25/08/10 14:41
A cuentagotas, WikiLeaks incluye algunos secretos mexicanos

Por Leonardo Peralta

El pasado julio un sitio web llamado WikiLeaks saltó a la fama tras poner a disposición de las publicaciones The New York Times, Der Spiegel, The Guardian y luego al público, alrededor de 91,000 documentos clasificados por las fuerzas armadas norteamericanas y que narran actos como ataques de sus fuerzas a la población civil, el uso de unidades secretas para asesinar líderes talibanes y el apoyo de sectores del ejército paquistaní a extremistas islámicos.

Sin embargo, este sitio no sólo guarda información sobre guerras remotas y asuntos que corporaciones preferirían tener bajo siete llaves. De hecho posee un apartado mexicano, que contiene documentos que pueden ser descargados directamente o a través del sistema de distribución de archivos Torrent.

Esta es una relación de algunos documentos allí ubicados:

* Nuestro Grupo: Una suerte de novela escrita por Irma Salinas Rocha y que describe una conspiración familiar para asesinar a Eugenio Garza Sada, patriarca de la familia de magnates regiomontanos, fallecido durante un intento de secuestro en 1973.
* CRS: Mexico's Drug Cartels: Documento del Congressional Research Service americano que describe la ubicación de los cárteles de la droga en México y su relación con organizaciones criminales como la Mara Salvatrucha.
* Denuncia en Pemex: El ex empleado en una contratista de la paraestatal colocó una serie de correos electrónicos que señalaban fallas de un sistema de administración de documentos en Pemex, que habría costado millones de dólares.
* Fuerzas especiales de EU: Creada por un congresista estadounidense, esta serie de documentos constata que las Fuerzas Especiales de Estados Unidos ha efectuado misiones en "todos" los países de América Latina. En un mapa de sus operaciones solamente durante el año 2009 figuran 19 países de la región.

Aunque los documentos mexicanos en WikiLeaks todavía no dan para un gran escándalo, el potencial es enorme.

De acuerdo con Darío Ramírez, director para México y Centroamérica de Artículo 19 (organismo dedicado a defender la libertad de expresión), "mientras más débiles sean los sistemas de transparencia, WikiLeaks tendrá una mayor popularidad".

En México existe una ley de transparencia y un Instituto Federal de Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos (IFAI), pero en los últimos años secretarías como la Procuraduría General de la República y organismos en todos los niveles de gobierno han intentado evitar informar detalles sobre su trabajo y hasta buscan un poder de veto en la información que se puede hacer o no del conocimiento público, afirma.

Por otro lado, en ocasiones las filtraciones son realizadas por el mismo gobierno a medios selectos para su difusión (con propósitos de enviar mensajes o perjudicar adversarios), lo que según Ramírez, "daña la democracia, la equidad y la igualdad". Sin embargo, WikiLeaks (y sitios que seguramente vendrán más tarde) le devuelven a la sociedad la posibilidad de acceder a información antiguamente limitada a unos pocos favorecidos.

Sin embargo, la información cruda, puede generar efectos indeseados, como sucede cuando información sobre el narcotráfico aparece en el ciberespacio sin contexto alguno en forma de rumores que esparcen el pánico, o imágenes de personajes secuestrados difundidas como herramienta para presionar negociaciones de liberación.

Quizá el futuro sea lo que sucedió justamente con el escándalo de WikiLeaks en Afganistán: con la información en la mano, periodistas contrastaron y analizaron la información para convertir datos poco comprensibles en historias que hablaran del drama de una nación ocupada.

Así las cosas, ¿qué información te gustaría ver en WikiLeaks? Mejor aún, ¿qué información pondrías en WikiLeaks?

@REZIZTENCIA, 25/08/10 14:40

25/08/10 14:40
A cuentagotas, WikiLeaks incluye algunos secretos mexicanos en Tecnología - vía @AddThis

@reziztencia2010, 25/08/10 14:18

Raza Unida Libre Rez (@reziztencia2010)
25/08/10 14:18
Estan Vivos (They Live) Año: 1988. NO NWO 2010 ¿ESto ya ESta en tu PAIS?:

@Astro_Soichi, 25/08/10 13:32

Soichi Noguchi 野口 聡一 (@Astro_Soichi)
25/08/10 13:32
We support Copiapo, Chile! Our thoughts and prayers are with 33 brave survivors, trapped 701 meters below. #chile

@bbcscitech, 25/08/10 13:30

BBC SciTech (@bbcscitech)
25/08/10 13:30
Scientists think they can now explain how some of the biggest black holes in the Universe formed.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

AMADEUS part 2

Opening scene of Amadeus

Mozart de koningin van de nacht uit the magic flute amadeus

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Turkish Finale

Mozart Vs Salieri

Alimentos: El secreto más grande es expuesto


Pre-Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C.

Pre-Crime Technology To Be Used In Washington D.C.

‘Pre-Crime’ Reaches Number 1 Google Trend Spot

‘Pre-Crime’ Reaches Number 1 Google Trend Spot: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

Skull May Prove Solutrean Hypothesis

Skull May Prove Solutrean Hypothesis: "The discovery of a perfectly-preserved skull near Mexico City may in fact prove the highly-controversial Solutrean Hypothesis, which claims that White, Western Europeans were the first humans on the North American continent.

British scientists from Liverpool’s John Moores University and Oxford’s Research Laboratory of Archaeology have identified the skull as part of a skeleton from a 26-year woman dating back 13,000 years, which is 2,000 years older than the oldest human remains found in North America.

Franck Marchis » Blog Archive » Discovery of 7 exoplanets around a Sun-like star

Franck Marchis » Blog Archive » Discovery of 7 exoplanets around a Sun-like star: "@AllPlanets

LazyTown - BBC Breakfast (August 2010)

Ten Rules for Silver Investing

Rule #1 - When all else fails, there is silver.

No one likes to be a prophet of doom, but the simple truth is that silver

is the world's money of last resort. Should a severe economic collapse

occur, leaving paper assets worthless, silver will be primary currency for

purchase of goods and services. (Gold will be a store of major wealth,

but will be priced too high for day-to-day use.) Thus, every investor

should own some physical silver-and store a portion of it where it's

accessible in an emergency.

Many times we are asked what is the best form of silver to purchase.

Our answer has been to consistently begin with old silver coins, known

as "junk silver" in the trade. Although, we do not see a time where you

would have to rely upon silver coinage for daily expenses it has proven

useful in the past.

When our offices were in Los Angeles during the mid 1970's and the

first Oil Embargo took place, two private gas station owners set up

pumps that would accept payment in silver coinage. We point this out

simply to let our readers know that the Free Market can provide some

very interesting solutions during difficult times.

Finally, it must be remember that the one financial fact that history bears

out is simply all paper currencies eventually fail.

Rule 2. Start small- keep it simple.

Too many investors, upon deciding to beef up the metals portion of their

portfolio, buy too much physical silver at once-and in the wrong forms.

Beginning metals investors should concentrate on pure bullion bars or

coins, in smaller sizes, looking to pay a minimum premium over the

actual metal value.

Avoid commemorative coins, decorative items, jewelry and other

collectibles, all of which carry large premiums and have limited resale


Anyone that has spent much time on our website www.silver- knows we have consistently advocated that all metals

investors begin with a physical position before making any other type of

precious metals investment.

Certainly, mining stocks offer leverage and can at times multiply your

wealth substantially it is only by starting with the sure thing, real metal

that you build a foundation of wealth.

Rule #3.  Boost the buying power of your dollars with mining shares

Whether you are a seasoned investor or just getting started in silver,

gold, metals, and mining investing,

The Morgan Report is the honest, straightforward investing approach of

a lifetime investor specializing in silver. If you follow the Silver Investing

Rules, you get an introduction to the advice shared every month in the

Morgan Report..

If you are a typical investor, you cannot expect to be an expert on silver

and the silver market- but you can invest in the people who are.

Once you have established a core holding of physical silver, leverage

both your knowledge and your buying power by purchasing the stocks of

mining companies.

    * These shares are highly responsive to changes in silver prices,

frequently producing much higher percentage returns than the metal


This rule is one that many silver investors know quite well and the joys of

watching your mining stock outperform the increase in bullion prices by

a factor of two or three to one is exciting.

However, leverage works in both directions and when the price of the

precious metals fall back the mining shares fall back hard. This is

normal market behavior and should be anticipated by the savvy metals


    * Again, mining shares analysis is difficult and in the speculative area

nearly impossible. Because of this fact, it is important to do your own

homework carefully.
    * Also you can subscribe to a service that provides insights into this

area. We do our best to diversify and to give clear signals to area we

think have merit.
    * However, we are only human and have made errors in the past. It is

the nature of investing that you cannot be 100% accurate, although for

the first two years our report did have nothing but winners.

Those days are over and in today's market is it more important that ever

to be careful and use proper money management.
If you do not wish to put in the study required to succeed in this area of

investing, we suggest you consider a gold mutual fund. Unfortunately,

there is not a silver mutual fund at this time. This is a question we are

asked quite often.


Rule #4.  Dollar - cost average to lower your costs - and increase your


Dollar-cost averaging is an ideal way to implement Rule 2.  By making

same-dollar purchases at regular time intervals, you wind up buying

more metal when prices are low and less when they are high.

This approach helps you develop discipline, erasing the "trader'

mentality that infects many market participants and instead fostering an

"investment" philosophy.

Dollar-cost averaging also eases some of the sting when prices move

against you, allowing you to view the downturn as an improved buying

opportunity rather than a disappointing loss.
Many beginning investors think "if only".......

    * If only I had subscribed to The Morgan Report four years ago and

bought the one Top Tier silver company "61 Neutron" as Charles

Savoie described it, look at how much money I would have made.

    * It is human nature to want to be precise in all our affairs, but in the

real world of competing against others for the one thing most of us think

about daily--- Money-- a mature approach is necessary.

    * Getting in at the exact bottom and out at the exact top is an

amateurs approach. In a bull market "dollar cost averaging" is a wise


    * However we want to caution our readers that averaging down in a

speculative mining company can be very dangerous.

    * We normally do not advise doing so. However, in a top tier company

or gold mutual fund this is acceptable in most cases as long as the bull

market is intact.

The Morgan report will be a bit more aggressive than we have been in

the past, in our speculation section we will be taking some short term

profits along the way.

#5. Do not get a raw deal from your dealer.

You are half way through the Silver Investing Rules; if you buy real silver,

know your dealer...well!

Each of the Silver Investing Rules forms the foundation of the Morgan

Report. Now you can get the inside information from David Morgan

himself, visit here for more...

Because of the specialized nature of the physical metals markets,

selection of a well established dealer with a quality reputation is


   1. A good dealer will provide timely executation of your trades at fair

prices with reasonable fees.

   2. Note, as well, that the lowest price is not necessarily the best price.

   3. In the past, some dealers who squeezed their price margins too low

in order to attract clients were unable to make delivery, leaving those

clients holding the bag.

This unfortunately is an area that prevents many people from purchasing

precious metals in the first place. People are leery of dealing with

someone over the phone and sending them money, and then waiting for

their precious metals to show up.

It is very rare that something goes wrong and almost all dealers are

reputable. However, as in most aspects of life the occasional fraud

does appear.

    * It has been our experience that most questionable dealers are fairly

easy to spot by simply using common sense.

    * Also, we must mention that fraudulent schemes normally appear

near the end of the cycle which is not for another five years or so in our


Years ago as we were nearing the peak in gold and silver, a nation

wide campaign was started in all the major newspapers in the U.S. and

the Headline read "Buy Gold and Silver Below Spot"

Now, this is simply impossible and anyone with a shred of common

sense would have stayed clear of such a "dealer" , but since some

people seek that special deal many customers were taken to the

cleaners as this company filed bankruptcy.

Again, we want to point out our special coin report doing actual

transactions with several different dealers in the U.S. the small price of

this report could save you time, money and heartache.
Make a great day,

The Silver Investor

Rule #6. What's yours is yours - so keep it that way. a core principle of

David Morgan's approach to investing.

Today let's examine the sixth rule of silver investing

While it is wise to keep some of your silver where you can get to it

easily, it is also important to keep the bulk of your metal in a safe place-

especially as you holdings increase.

However, if you establish an account with a brokerage warehouse or

other public storage facility, you should make sure your holdings are

kept segregated and that you can inspect them when you wish.

Anyone that has studied the Silver-Investor website knows there is far

more paper silver than real silver in the world. In fact our primary

premise is that the real sustained move up in silver will not occur until

the market recognizes this fact.

    * You certainly can participate in alternative precious metals

investments such as pool accounts or options but remember you are

dealing in the paper world and expect settlement in paper not in metal.

    * Fully paid Comex warehouse certificates held by you in your name

do comprise real silver.

    * Be real, get real to begin with, then if you wish speculate further.

In fact in 3 days we will be looking at speculations...
Make a Great day,
The Silver Investor
Rule 7. Silver speculation's like cough syrup- good in small doses, but

too much can make your portfolio sick.

Depending on your individual goals and your personal tolerance for risk,

a small portion of the assets you commit to silver can be used for

speculation, perhaps in futures contracts or options on futures.

Never forget, however, that this type of trading is speculation, NOT


This is probably our most important rule. However, some people are not

willing to understand what speculation means.

    * We have featured some companies in the past that simply did not

perform and as a consequence some people had sick portfolios for one

simple reason...

    * They did not obey the rules of speculation.

    * They fell in love with a certain story or region, or drill grade and put

more into a particular speculation than was prudent.

    * We cannot emphasize this enough, we all like to bet a little to win

big, and this means you must keep enough money to make several


Some wish to make that big score and put too much into the speculative

category, or fall in love with one particular stock.

If you do not diversify properly you chances of success are lessened.
Make a Great day,
The Silver Investor
Rule #8.
A little information can mean a lot more dollars.

As you read these rules, remember that applying the Rules to your

portfolio is key, which is what we help you do every month with the

Morgan Report.

You do not need to be a student of the silver market to profit from your

metals investments.

However, you will greatly increase your chances of success-and the size

of your potential profits-if you understand the fundamental factors that

drive silver prices and pay regular attention to current supply and

demand considerations.

The Morgan Report gives our insights into how and why you need invest

differently during certain economic conditions.

We have followed the Bond markets, key currencies, the precious

metals, the general stock market and from time to time do special

features such as interviews with CEO's and financial stalwarts such as

Jim Puplava of

Only two more rules to cover, by now you have been thinking and

developing a strategy that will enable you to profit during this commodity

Make a great day,

The Silver Investor
Silver #9 Collecting silver is an art- but not really an investment (Ten

Rules For Silver Investing)

Owning fine silver items- including rare coins - can provide great

enjoyment and personal satisfaction.

Like paintings and other artworks, they are beautiful and often quite

valuable-and, if you are astute at buying and selling, they can generate

large profits.

In spite of this, however, always view such holdings as collectibles, NOT

as investments.

When you need your silver-or simply want to cash in- you do not want to

have difficulty selling or be forced to forfeit a large aesthetic premium,

both of which are likely with silver rarities.
Rare coin collecting is really outside our area of expertise. If you enjoy it

that is fine, if you want to learn more about it we have included a special

coin report in the Morgan Report Newsletter.

And in 3 more days, you get the last investing rule...

Make a Great day,
The Silver Investor

The Final Rule #10. More than 10 percent is too much of a good thing.

Thank you for taking the time over the past few weeks to read, listen,

and explore the Silver Investing Rules. If you like this series, you owe it

to yourself to check out the Morgan Report today.

Carlos Santillan,
As the last step in the series, this Final Rule brings it all together for your

investment strategy, the tenth rule of silver investing.

10.  More than 10 percent is too much of a good thing.

No matter how good the market looks-or how worried you are about the

future of civilized society-you must always remember that silver should

make up only a small portion of a well-diversified portfolio.

I recommend committing no more than 10 percent of the average

portfolio to silver-regardless of how strong you feel about the potential of

the metals markets.

Note: Under the current economic conditions, I feel 20-25% is more

appropriate, than the original 10 percent per the book global-investor

book of investing rules pages 301-303. At the time the book was

published the economic conditions were more stable but now that the

world is in a war environment the higher allocation is necessary!

The final decision is yours and yours alone. What is so interesting is

something we reported in The Morgan Report some time ago about

proper portfolio allocation.

A fifteen percent allocation to actual physical metal was shown be

necessary even during the best of times according to Ibbotson

Associates of Chicago Illinois.

As stated in this well researched and extremely expensive report "Of the

seven asset classes, the precious metals class is the only one with a

negative average correlation to the other asset classes. It is worth

noting, excluding cash, precious metals is the only asset class with a

positive correlation coefficient with inflation, which is further evidence

that precious metals act as a hedge against inflation."

We truly enjoyed bringing you this series on the ten rules of silver.
Make a great day,

The Silver Investor

Intentional poisoning of civilians. BBC News - Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD?

BBC News - Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD?: "By Mike Thomson BBC News

Nearly 60 years ago, a French town was hit by a sudden outbreak of hallucinations, which left five people dead and many seriously ill. For years it was blamed on bread contaminated with a psychedelic fungus - but that theory is now being challenged.

@ACIDminds, 24/08/10 10:17

Ulises Rivera (@ACIDminds)
24/08/10 10:17
Por si no lo vieron anoche: Star Wars: A Light In The Darkness, un nuevo Fan Film

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

The Left/Right Paradigm is Collapsing! Obamanoids are Waking Up The Secret of Oz: James Robertson (UK), Bill Still, Peter Schiff, Ellen Brown, Byron Dale, Prof. Michael Hudson, Prof. Quentin Taylor, Joseph Farah: Movies & TV The Secret of Oz: James Robertson (UK), Bill Still, Peter Schiff, Ellen Brown, Byron Dale, Prof. Michael Hudson, Prof. Quentin Taylor, Joseph Farah: Movies & TV

Origins of the Moonwalk

Silver #9 Collecting silver is an art- but not really an investment (Ten Rules For Silver Investing)


Owning fine silver items- including rare coins - can provide great enjoyment and personal satisfaction.

Like paintings and other artworks, they are beautiful and often quite valuable-and, if you are astute at buying and selling, they can generate large profits.

In spite of this, however, always view such holdings as collectibles, NOT as investments.

When you need your silver-or simply want to cash in- you do not want to have difficulty selling or be forced to forfeit a large aesthetic premium, both of which are likely with silver rarities.
Rare coin collecting is really outside our area of expertise. If you enjoy it that is fine, if you want to learn more about it we have included a special coin report in the Morgan Report Newsletter.

And in 3 more days, you get the last investing rule...

Make a Great day,
The Silver Investor



@REZIZTEK, 23/08/10 19:02

Encuentran el fósil más antiguo del mundo

Encuentran el fósil más antiguo del mundo: "- Enviado mediante la barra Google"

BBC News - Alien hunters 'should look for artificial intelligence'

BBC News - Alien hunters 'should look for artificial intelligence'

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

@REZIZTENCIA, 22/08/10 01:51

22/08/10 01:51
#Protesta #Mexico #15deSeptiembre #gritemos #Zocalo ¡Todos al suelo! ¿cómo se grita en todo #MEXICO ? ¡Todos al suelo! #TERRORismoDeESTADO

@Carlos_S01, 22/08/10 01:49

Carlos M. Santillán (@Carlos_S01)
22/08/10 01:49
hay que promover la idea de @Reziztencia el 15 en El Zócalo : ¿Cómo se dice? #Todosalsuelo RT cc @yunqueland

The Beatles - Baby It's You


Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 18 of 18

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 17 of 18

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SR 8 - The Still Report - December 31, 2009

Police State 4: El ascenso de FEMA (7/13) --SUBIDA EN PROCESO

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La Banda Plástica de Tepetlixpa - hard day's night

La Banda Plástica de Tepetlixpa - I should have known better

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

BBC News - Iran begins loading Bushehr nuclear reactor

BBC News - Iran begins loading Bushehr nuclear reactor

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 15 of 18

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

Bombshell: Barack Obama conclusively outed as CIA creation

Wayne Madsen Bombshell: Barack Obama Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation ...

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SR7 - Dec. 12, 2009 The Still Report on the Economy

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 14 of 18

Wayne Madsen Bombshell: Barack Obama Conclusively Outed as CIA Creation ...

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 13 of 18

@io9, 20/08/10 14:01

io9 (@io9)
20/08/10 14:01
Doctor Who finally gives you what you've been clamoring for: the chance to explore the TARDIS!

@StateDept, 20/08/10 14:10

StateDept (@StateDept)
20/08/10 14:10
"Jovenes en Accion offers 50 Mexican youth the opportunity to the United States." #Mexico #DipNote

Greys mentioned in a 1913 fairy tales book

A Prisoner in Fairyland usando

"Chapter 5": These ghosts that people nowadays explain scientifically—what are they but thoughts visualised by vivid thinking such as yours was—creative thinking? They may be just pictures created in moments of strong passionate feeling that persist for centuries and reach other minds direct They're not seen with the outer eye; that's certain, for no two people ever see them together. But I'm sure these pictures flame up through the mind sometimes just as clearly as some folk see Grey Ladies and the rest flit down the stairs at midnight.'

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Fahrenheit 451 (1966 Movie) Part 12 of 18

REZIZTENCIA on Vodpod - Videos about pink floyd, hip hop, obama


Jor-El to his son Kal-El
"You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you, even in the face of our deaths. The richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel—all this and more I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son. This is all I can send you, Kal-El." — Jor-El