martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

A False Flag Odyssey
In Stanley Kubrick's motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey, Heywood Floyd, chairman of the National Council of Astronautics (NCA), orchestrates a false flag alien artifact discovery. The alleged discovery of a black monolith buried 40 feet below the surface of the moon is in fact staged by Dr. Floyd and fellow members of the NCA as justification for the continued support of the NCA's monolith-chasing missions, including the Discovery mission to Jupiter.

This article pieces together symbols deliberately embedded into the film to show that the monolith is really the movie screen rotated by 90 degrees. This insight is the gateway into understanding what may be Kubrick's ultimate point of the film: Our perception of significant real-world events (such as the lunar monolith discovery) are often times false flag operations carried out by small groups of people, by metaphorically projecting their image of the truth onto the movie screens of our minds in order to control and manipulate the population at large.

Dave Bowman's odyssey to enlightenment about the true conspiratorial nature of the mission and the NCA is represented by the stargate journey, renaissance room, and a rebirth in which he looks upon the world with new eyes.

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