jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

About the elusive Bigfoot

What if Bigfoot is a non-physical entity, belonging to a whole set of entities who inhabit and share the Earth with us? These ideas are shared by Jacques Vallée


Passport to Magonia:

After years of studying the UFO phenomena he observed that all the sightings were illogical, crazy, sometimes plainly stupid (like ufo astronauts asking for fertilizer and giving in return oat cookies), witnesses describing the interior of the UFO as comprising of a kitchenette only, and sometimes the reports that are terrorific, and many of them share many things in common with the follkore of elves and demons, and the apparitions of the virgin mary too. So he concluded that the UFOs are not the spacecrafts of alien astronauts but beings coming from this same planet, living in another plane of existence (or the manifestation of a communal human mind).

He is the french ufologist represented by Spielberg in Close Encounters of the Third Kind by the character of Lancombe played by François Truffaut and, his teacher J. Allen Hynek has a cameo in the movie.

It is reported that Vallée asked Speilberg to embrace his non-alien theory but that Spielberg answered him that the people would be confused and that they expected to be entertained with a movie about extraterrestrials.

And I have seen manifestations of entities along my life.

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