martes, 31 de enero de 2012

Soap-opera actor Nick Santino committed suicide after beloved dog euthanized -

Soap-opera actor Nick Santino committed suicide after beloved dog euthanized -

A down-on-his-luck soap-opera actor took his own life this week after he was forced to put his beloved dog to sleep under pressure from his Upper West Side condo and became wracked by grief, pals said.

Nick Santino euthanized his dog, Rocco, Tuesday — on Santino’s 47th birthday. That night, his guilt over the gut-wrenching decision became too much to bear.

“Today I betrayed my best friend and put down my best friend,” a despondent Santino wrote in a suicide note, said close friend Stuart Sarnoff.

“Rocco trusted me and I failed him. He didn’t deserve this.”

The Brooklyn-born Santino — a struggling actor whose TV credits include “All My Children” and “Guiding Light” — adopted Rocco from a shelter several years ago.

The man, raised in an orphanage and foster homes, soon began to write about his pet on Facebook, writing, “I did not rescue Rocco, Rocco rescued me.”

But in 2010, his building at 1 Lincoln Plaza announced strict new dog regulations, including a ban on pit bulls. The ban didn’t apply to pit bulls already in the building, but friends and neighbors said Santino began to be harassed.

“People were complaining about his dog,” said neighbor Kevan Cleary, 63, an adjunct professor at Brooklyn Law School. “It was open season on him.”

Rocco couldn’t ride in the main elevators and wasn’t allowed to be left in the apartment alone for more than nine hours.

Santino was then threatened with a $250 fine for having a barking dog, neighbors said.

“The dog was not a barker, but somebody complained that the dog would bark,” Cleary said.

“He felt like he was in this battle because he was the only guy in the building with a pit-bull mix,” Cleary added.

Another neighbor, Lia Pettigrew, who runs a pet-care company, said, “Everybody knows that he had been harassed by the building management.”

The building’s management refused to comment yesterday.

After months of increasing anguish, Santino had the healthy dog put to sleep Tuesday.

Neighbors said a tearful Santino brought dog treats to the building’s doorman and said: “Give these to the other dogs. Rocco is no more.”

Dog owner James Steven Grant said Santino left two rawhide bones on his doorstep and earlier was seen tearfully giving away Rocco’s fluffy bed.

“Rocco was the sweetest dog in the world. Rocco wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Grant said.

A veterinarian told Santino that Rocco was becoming aggressive — and Santino blamed it on his own depression.

He spent Tuesday in agony over what he had done to Rocco.

“He was distraught and remorseful about putting down his best friend,” Cleary said.

The last phone call he made was to a former girlfriend at 2 a.m. Wednesday. Later that day, police found his body in his bedroom. He had overdosed on pills.

Rocco has been cremated, and friends said Santino’s remains will be, too, and they will be reunited.

“One way or another, their ashes will be together forever,” Sarnoff said.

Additional reporting by Aaron Feis, Jamie Schram and Andy Soltis

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Tweet from Nick Valencia (CNNValencia)

Nick Valencia:
RT @NewsChannel10: Mexican general, 29 soldiers on trial for homicide

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Tweet from Mlucascir (mlucascir)

Transforman piel en células del sistema nervioso

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a new pope far away

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lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Cultura y Deporte aniquilados en administración priista de Azucena Olivares en Naucalpan, Estado de México.

Sala de Esgrima Naucalli

La Casa de La Cultura del Parque Naucalli, segundo hogar para cientos de niños, jóvenes y ancianos por más de dos décadas, ha brindado arte, cultura y deporte gracias a sus 58 talleres muchos de ellos impartidos por profesores acreditados por COM, la CONADE y la UNAM, en las ramas de Esgrima, Taekwondo, Kendo, Yoga, Ballet por nombrar solo algunas disciplinas.

Desde diciembre del 2011, la Casa de La Cultura Naucalli cerró, bajo el pretexto de que se iba a remodelar, pero no hay nadie trabajando en ella y se rumora que su cierre obedece a la intención de privatizarla y convertirla en un restaurante.

Este plan, con gran ingenio lo han ido implementando por etapas, comenzaron en 2007 al imponer el cobro del estacionamiento a los asistentes a los talleres, y para los alumnos y ancianos que pasábamos ahí todas las tardes de la semana el costo era prohibitivo, lo que nos obligó a dejar nuestros autos fuera del Parque Naucalli, y esto ocasionó que mucha gente dejara de asistir.

Luego a finales del 2011 se redujo el horario de actividades de La Casa de La Cultura del Parque Naucalli hasta las 18:00hrs, eliminando así todos los talleres deportivos que funcionaban a partir de ese horario, horario vital para la práctica deportiva, ya que tanto adultos como niños se liberan ya a esas horas del trabajo y las obligaciones escolares respectivamente.

La administración argumentó que era debido a falta de recursos para pagar la seguridad y que además la Casa de La Cultura del Parque Naucalli no era autofinanciable. Una mentira ya que la policia municipal es la que cuida del Parque Naucalli.

Esto es un asalto directo a los derechos del ciudadano a gozar de cultura y deporte, y la administración de Azucena Olivares siguiendo instrucciones desde Toluca. todos ellos, se convierten en unos auténticos Judas que a cambio de unas monedas están vendiendo el bienestar de las gente que sanamente buscaba cultivarse al hacer uso de los talleres.

¿Cómo es posible que sumidos en una violenta guerra contra las drogas  y que, una de las soluciones para alejar a los jóvenes de las mismas es la práctica del deporte, las autoridades mexiquenses decidan cerrar este importante centro cultural y deportivo?

Veamos si es cierto que en febrero abre de nuevo sus puertas la Casa de La Cultura del Parque Naucalli.

Carlos M. Santillán


@makiwa, 30/01/12 01:35

Neil (@makiwa)
30/01/12 01:35
Forget global warming - it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about. If NASA scientists are right the Thames will be freezing!

sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Tweet from Carlos Santillán (Carlos_S01)

Los 20 teléfonos celulares mas peligrosos para tu salud

Los 20 teléfonos celulares mas peligrosos para tu salud: - Enviado mediante la barra Google

Secrets of the Italian Cruise Ship Disaster

Once Upon A Time In China - Theme


Bruce Lee in Longstreet, Be Water original

"The Astronaut Farmer" (2007).

I want to call your attention to a wonderful movie I've just watched on TV: "The Astronaut Farmer" (2007).

This is a movie about a man who dreams of travelling to space and decides to build his own rocket. What I want to emphasize is that this movie, captures movingly, the spirit of the garage inventor (in this case a barn) of yesteryear. The movie shows how important is the unity and support of the family to a man striving to achieve a difficult goal.

Also, this movie depicts the new state of affairs in the USA, the main character, Charles Farmer, and his family, have to fight against a series of adversities, the farm is about to be foreclosed the debts keep piling up, and as soon as he tries to buy fuel for his rocket, the FBI arrives to harass him because he is building a "mass destruction weapon" and he is identified as a "national security threat". The FAA holds a session where they forbid him to take off and even CPS appears after he removes his three children from school.

I won't spoil you the conclusion, but IMO this movie is on pair with The Right Stuff in the aspect that it makes you feel excited and hopeful about the conquest of space.

I read that this movie was a financial disaster but nowadays the heroes are gnomes or emo vampires.

viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Prometheus - Official Trailer [TRUE HD]

soundtrack Close Encounters of the Third Kind "THE SQUARE SONG" [Sesam...

BBC News - Child's toy launched into space by students

BBC News - Child's toy launched into space by students: - Enviado mediante la barra Google

Confessions of an antisemite

@hambredejustici, 27/01/12 11:12

hambredejusticia2010 (@hambredejustici)
27/01/12 11:12
¡RACISMO EN MÉXICO! Policías mexicanos atropellan y asesinan a inmigrante negro nigeriano…

El FBI quiere una aplicación que vigile Facebook y Twitter -

Germany 1940 Palestine 2009 AMAZING Similarities...

Echa un vistazo a este vídeo en Youtube:

BBC News - Twitter to selectively 'censor' tweets by country

jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Twitter restringirá mensajes a solicitud de autoridades de cada país – Publimetro

Twitter restringirá mensajes a solicitud de autoridades de cada país – Publimetro: La red social Twitter anunció que a partir de este jueves restringirá los mensajes con contenidos que autoridades de algunos países consideran ofensivos o incluso ilegales.

A través de su blog oficial, la empresa expuso que 'casi todos los países en el mundo están de acuerdo en que la libertad de expresión es un derecho humano. Pero también muchos países concuerdan que la libertad de expresión entraña responsabilidades y tiene sus límites.'

A medida del crecimiento de la red en el mundo, la compañía percibió que por razones históricas o culturales en algunas naciones es necesario restringir ciertos tipos de contenido, como en Francia o

Alemania que prohíben el contenido pro-nazi.

Incluso, hay otros donde ante esas limitaciones, la página no podría existir, porque esas razones difieren con el concepto de libertad de expresión de Twitter.

La red social precisó que 'hasta ahora, la única manera de tener en cuenta los límites de esos países fue de quitar el contenido a nivel mundial. A partir de hoy, nos dan la capacidad de retener el contenido de forma reactiva de los usuarios en un país determinado -mientras se mantiene disponible en el resto del mundo.'

Asimismo, construyó una plataforma para comunicar de forma clara a los usuarios cuando un mensaje sea bloqueado y el porqué de la decisión.

'Todavía no hemos utilizado esta capacidad, pero siempre y cuando nos veamos obligados a retener un Tweet en un país específico, vamos a tratar de que el usuario sepa, y que claramente se marque cuando el contenido se ha ocultado', precisó.

En los últimos años, Twitter se ha convertido en una plataforma utilizada en todo el mundo para expresar ideas políticas, inconformidades, incluso el año pasado fue utilizada por manifestantes contra los gobiernos de Túnez, Egipto, entre otros.

Tweet from Virtual Astronomer (VirtualAstro)

Virtual Astronomer:
Want to see what an asteroid COULD do if it were to hit the Earth, check out the really cool via @NickAstronomer

(Enviado vía Seesmic

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

Carl Sagan: Cosmos (Episodio 2)

BBC News - Sounds of the sea: Listening online to the ocean floor

BBC News - Sounds of the sea: Listening online to the ocean floor: - Enviado mediante la barra Google

@maxkeiser, 17/01/12 13:52

Max Keiser (@maxkeiser)
17/01/12 13:52
World wakes up to risk of American SOPA/PIPA censorship outrage

Dr. Death & The Religion Of Genocide

Universos paralelos (5 vídeos)

Para las teorías sobre universos paralelos, véase:

Los cinco primeros vídeos son del Canal de Historia (History Channel).

1 Universos Paralelos 
9:00 min

2 Universos Paralelos 
10:54 min

3 Universos Paralelos
6:55 min

4 Universos Paralelos 
7:06 min

5 Universos Paralelos 
6:13 min

El Universo: Universos paralelos - The Universe: Parallel Universes
44:41 min

About the tarahumaran suicides due to famine

BBC News - Ethiopia forces thousands off land - Human Rights Watch

Ethiopians evicted from their lands, as are mexicans and hondurans, in the name of "Climate Change"

A note from an 80 y/o re: Being Green

A note from an 80 y/o woman re: Being Green

Now that I'm 80 years young, I can tell all the younger people I know
where to go with their "Being Green".

At the checkout stand in the store, the cashier told an older woman
that she should become more "Green" by bringing her own grocery bags
because plastic bags weren't good for the environment.

The woman apologized to him and explained, "We didn't have the green
thing back in my day."

The clerk responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation didn't
care enough to save our environment."

She was right -- our generation didn't have the green thing in its
day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles and beer
bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be
washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles
over and over. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the
green thing back in our day.

We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an energy consuming
escalator or elevator in every store and office building. We walked to
the grocery store and didn't climb into a gas guzzling car, truck or
SUV every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't
have the green thing in our day.

Back then, we washed our baby's diapers because we didn't have the
throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling
machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry
the clothes. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or
sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that old lady is right; we
didn't have the green thing back in our day.

Back then, we had one TV, or radio in the house -- not a TV in every
room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief
(remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In
the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have
electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile
item to send in the mail, we used a wadded up old newspaper to cushion
it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up
an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower
that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to
go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity.
But she's right; we didn't have the green thing back then.

When away from home, we drank from a fountain when we were thirsty
instead of using a disposable cup or a plastic bottle every time we
had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of
buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead
of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But
we didn't have the green thing back then.

Back then, people took the streetcar or a bus and kids rode their
bikes to school or walked instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour
gas burning taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not
an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't
need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites
2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint.

But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we old
folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then?

Please forward this on to another selfish old person who needs a
lesson in conservation from a smartass young person.

Remember: Don't make old People mad. We don't like being old in the
first place, so it doesn't take much to piss us off.

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

Leuren Moret - Japan nuclear war targets US Canada Mexico and Hawaii.m4v

Radiation cloud 'not harmful' | Sunshine Coast News | Local News in Sunshine Coast | Sunshine Coast Daily

Radiation cloud 'not harmful' | Sunshine Coast News | Local News in Sunshine Coast | Sunshine Coast Daily: A RADIOACTIVE cloud lingering off the Sunshine Coast on Sunday was not dangerous, according to the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency.

Caloundra IT manager Peter Daley picked up the cloud's radioactivity on his Geiger counter, a device that measures ionizing radiation in the atmosphere.

The reading was taken at 6.30pm and measured 0.80 microsieverts, which is eight times over the average level of radiation in the atmosphere.

Mr Daley said he was concerned the cloud could have formed from a radioactive fall out from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

"This may be just a one off but even still, any exposure to an increase in radiation is not good," Mr Daley said.

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1 de cada 3 mexicanos tendrán cáncer

1 de cada 3 mexicanos con cáncer dentro de los próximos años, es catastrófico. Muy sospecho ante la evidencia de que por lo menos algunas vacunas vienen contaminadas con virus de cáncer. Nota de la prestigiada revista científica New Scientist:


--- SU MEDICO: En 30 años, 1 de 3 mexicanos tendrá cáncer----: En 30 años, 1 de 3 mexicanos tendrá cáncer
De acuerdo con el secretario de Salud, Salomón Chertorivski, en los próximos 30 años un tercio de la población tendrá cáncer

México D.F. a 13 de enero de 2012

Ante el diagnóstico y tratamiento de Alonso Lujambio Irazábal, secretario de Educación, con mieloma múltiple, Salomón Chertorivski, secretario de Salud, dijo en su gira de trabajo por Nuevo León que es muy importante hablar mucho del cáncer para que lo conozcamos y podamos tratarlo a tiempo.

De acuerdo con el funcionario de Salud, esto es de vital importancia porque en los próximos 30 años uno de cada tres mexicanos presentará algún tipo de cáncer, y "debemos estar conscientes que todos somos vulnerables a contraer algún tipo de la enfermedad y que si lo detectamos a tiempo el 75% de los son curables".

Del mismo modo Chertorivski indicó que “las jovencitas a partir de los 40 años de edad deben acudir puntualmente a realizarse sus mastografías y los hombres deben hacerse sus pruebas de antígenos prostáticos sus revisiones con el especialista”.

Y respecto a Lujambio, indicó que se espera que luche con todas sus fuerzas para vencer a este cáncer y que el hacer público su padecimiento no tiene otro fin, más que informar a la población sobre esta patología para que se cuiden y reiterarles que la enfermedad no discrimina ni respeta nada, a todos puede atacar por igual.

Lujambio combina tratamiento y trabajo

El secretario de Educación empezó a tener malestares en octubre del año pasado, se atendió en una clínica privada por una insuficiencia renal aguda, posteriormente, el 4 de noviembre, fue trasladado al Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, donde se confirmó el diagnóstico de mieloma múltiple en etapa inicial.

Y aún en el hospital, Lujambio Irazábal dio seguimiento a las labores de la SEP. Para el 20 de noviembre el funcionario ya había regresado a su cargo y anunció que intercalaría sus funciones con el tratamiento médico.

Cuando iniciaron los festejos por el 90 aniversario de la SEP, a principios de diciembre, como el protocolo lo indicaba, él presidió las ceremonias.

Y finalmente ayer partió hacia Estados Unidos para su segunda fase de tratamiento contra el cáncer en Instituto de Cáncer Winthrop P. Rockefeller de la Universidad de Arkansas para las Ciencias Médicas, por lo que a más tardar el lunes se oficializará su renuncia a la Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP), que quedará a cargo de Rodolfo Tuirán Gutiérrez como responsable del despacho. (Con información de El Universal)

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Leer mas


Radiation cloud 'not harmful' | Sunshine Coast News | Local News in Sunshine Coast | Sunshine Coast Daily

This is part of the eugenesist agenda for depopulation

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Identicando plásticos BPA (plástico con químicos que causan abortos, cáncer de seno, afeminamiento por alto nivél de estrógenos)

Si en la parte de abajo tiene el número 7

En casa identificamos envase de Isodine Bucofaríngero:

Peligros BPA

the bogus Jewish Soap bar story IHR

Jewish Soap: 'Jewish Soap'

By Mark Weber

One of the most lurid and slanderous Holocaust claims is the story that the Germans manufactured soap from the bodies of their victims. Although a similar charge during the First World War was exposed as a hoax almost immediately afterwards, it was nevertheless revived and widely believed during the Second. [1] More important, this accusation was "proved" at the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, and has been authoritatively endorsed by numerous historians in the decades since. In recent years, though, as part of a broad retreat from the most obviously untenable aspects of the "orthodox" extermination story, Holocaust historians have grudgingly conceded that the human soap tale is a wartime propaganda lie. In their retreat, though, these historians have tried to dismiss the soap story as a mere wartime "rumor," neglecting to mention that international Jewish organizations and then Allied governments endorsed and sanctioned this libelous canard.

Wartime rumors that the Germans were manufacturing soap from the corpses of slaughtered Jews were based in part on the fact that soap bars distributed by German authorities in Jewish ghettos and camps bore the impressed initials "RIF," which many took to stand for "Rein jüdisches Fett" or "Pure Jewish Fat." (It did not seem to matter that the letters were "RIF" and not "RJF.") These rumors spread so widely in 1941 and 1942 that by late 1942 German authorities in Poland and Slovakia were expressing official concern about their impact. [2]

According to a Polish source quoted in a secret wartime U.S. Army military intelligence report, for example, the Germans were operating a "human soap factory" in 1941 at Turek, Poland. "The Germans had brought thousands of Polish teachers, priests and Jews there and after extracting the blood serum from their bodies, had thrown them on large pots and melted off grease to make soap," the intelligence report added. [3]

Macabre "Jewish soap" jokes became popular in the ghettos and camps, and many non-Jews on the outside came to believe the story. When trains loaded with Jewish deportees stopped temporarily at rail stations, Poles reportedly would gleefully shout at them: "Jews to soap!" [4] Even British prisoners of war interned at Auschwitz in 1944 testified later about the wartime rumors that corpses of gassing victims were being turned into soap there. [5]

In spite of its inherently incredible character, the soap story became an important feature of Jewish and Allied war propaganda. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, wartime head of both the World Jewish Congress and the American Jewish Congress, publicly charged in November 1942 that Jewish corpses were being "processed into such war-vital commodities as soap, fats and fertilizer" by the Germans. He further announced that the Germans were "even exhuming the dead for the value of the corpses," and were paying fifty marks for each body. [6]

In late 1942, the Congress Weekly, published by the American Jewish Congress, editorialized that the Germans were turning Jews "by scientific methods of dissolution into fertilizer, soap and glue." An article in the same issue reported that Jewish deportees from France and Holland were being processed into "soap, glue and train oil" in at least two special factories in Germany. [7] Typical of many other American periodicals, the influential New Republic reported in early 1943 that the Germans were "using the bodies of their Jewish victims to make soap and fertilizer in a factory at Siedlce." [8]

During June and July 1943, two prominent representatives of the Moscow-based "Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee" toured the United States and raised more than two million dollars for the Soviet war effort at a series of mass meetings. At each of these rallies, Soviet Jewish leader Solomon Mikhoels showed the crowd a bar of soap that he said was made from Jewish corpses. [9]

After the war the soap story was given important legitimacy at the main Nuremberg trial. L. N. Smirnov, Chief Counsellor of Justice for the USSR, declared to the Tribunal:

"... The same base, rationalized SS technical minds which created gas chambers and murder vans, began devising such methods of complete annihilation of human bodies, which would not only conceal the traces of their crimes, but also to serve in the manufacturing of certain products. In the Danzig Anatomical Institute, semi-industrial experiments in the production of soap from human bodies and the tanning of human skin for industrial purposes were carried out."

Smirnov quoted at length from an affidavit by Sigmund Mazur, an Institute employee, which was accepted as Nuremberg exhibit USSR-197. It alleged that Dr. Rudolf Spanner, the head of the Danzig Institute, had ordered the production of soap from corpses in 1943. According to Mazur's affidavit, Dr. Spanner's operation was of interest to high-ranking German officials. Education Minister Bernhard Rust and Health Leader Dr. Leonardo Conti, as well as professors from other medical institutes, came to witness Spanner's efforts. Mazur also claimed to have used the "human soap" to wash himself and his laundry. [10]

A human soap "recipe," allegedly prepared by Dr. Spanner (Nuremberg document USSR-196), was also presented. Finally, a sample of what was supposed to be a piece of "human soap" was submitted to the Nuremberg Tribunal as exhibit USSR-393.

In his closing address to the Tribunal, chief British prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross echoed his Soviet colleague: "On occasion, even the bodies of their victims were used to make good the wartime shortage of soap." [11] And in their final judgment, the Nuremberg Tribunal judges found that "attempts were made to utilize the fat from the bodies of the victims in the commercial manufacture of soap." [12]

It is worth emphasizing here that the "evidence" presented at the Nuremberg Tribunal for the bogus soap story was no less substantial than the "evidence" presented for the claims of mass extermination in "gas chambers." At least in the former case, an actual sample of soap supposedly made from corpses was submitted in evidence.

After the war, supposed Holocaust victims were solemnly buried, in the form of soap bars, in Jewish cemeteries. In 1948, for example, four such bars wrapped in a funeral shroud were ceremoniously buried according to Jewish religious ritual at the Haifa cemetery in Israel. [13] Other bars of "Jewish soap" have been displayed as grim Holocaust relics at the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, the Stutthof Museum near Gdansk (Danzig), the Yivo Institute in New York, the Holocaust Museum in Philadelphia, the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne (Australia), and at various locations in Israel. [14]

Numerous Jews who lived in German ghettos and camps during the war helped keep the soap story alive many years later. Ben Edelbaum, for example, wrote in his 1980 memoir Growing Up in the Holocaust: [15]

"Often with our rations in the ghettos, the Germans had included a bar of soap branded with initials R.J.F. which came to be known as "RIF" soap. It wasn't until the war had ended that we learned the horrible truth about the bar of soap. Had we known in the ghetto, every bar of "RIF" soap would have been accorded a sacred Jewish funeral in the cemetery at Marysin. As it was, we were completely oblivious to its origin and used the bones and flesh of our murdered loved ones to wash our bodies."

Nesse Godin was transferred from a ghetto in Lithuania to the Stutthof concentration camp in the spring of 1944. In a 1983 interview, she recalled her arrival there: [16]

"That day they gave us a shower and a piece of soap. After the war we found out the soap was made out of pure Jew fat, Rein Juden Fett, marked in the initials on the soap that I washed with. For all I know sometimes maybe there was a little bit of my father's fat in that soap that I washed with. How do you think I feel when I think about that?"

Mel Mermelstein, the former Auschwitz inmate who was featured in the sensationalized April 1991 cable television movie "Never Forget" (and who sued the Institute for Historical Review and three other defendants for $11 million), declared in a 1981 sworn deposition that he and other camp inmates used soap bars made from human fat. It was an "established fact," he insisted, that the soap he washed with was made from Jewish bodies. [17]

Renowned "Nazi hunter" Simon Wiesenthal repeated the soap tale in a series of articles published in 1946 in the Austrian Jewish community paper Der Neue Weg. In the first of these he wrote: [18]

"During the last weeks of March the Romanian press reported an unusual piece of news: In the small Romanian city of Folticeni twenty boxes of soap were buried in the Jewish cemetery with full ceremony and complete funeral rites. This soap had been found recently in a former German army depot. On the boxes were the initials RIF, `Pure Jewish Fat.' These boxes were destined for the Waffen-SS. The wrapping paper revealed with completely cynical objectivity that this soap was manufactured from Jewish bodies. Surprisingly, the thorough Germans forgot to describe whether the soap was produced from children, girls, men or elderly persons."

Wiesenthal went on:

"After 1942 people in the General Government [Poland] knew quite well what the RIF soap meant. The civilized world may not believe the joy with which the Nazis and their women in the General Government thought of this soap. In each piece of soap they saw a Jew who had been magically put there, and had thus been prevented from growing into a second Freud, Ehrlich or Einstein."

In another article he observed: "The production of soap from human fat is so unbelievable that even some who were in concentration camps find it difficult to comprehend." [19]

Over the years, numerous supposedly reputable historians have promoted the durable soap story. [20] Journalist-historian William L. Shirer, for example, repeated it in his best-selling work, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. [21]

Leading Soviet war propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg wrote in his postwar memoir: "I have held in my hand a cake of soap stamped with the legend 'pure Jewish soap', prepared from the corpses of people who had been destroyed. But there is no need to speak of these things: thousands of books have been written about them." [22]

A standard history studies textbook used in Canadian secondary schools, Canada: The Twentieth Century, told students that the Germans "boiled" the corpses of their Jewish victims "to make soap." [23] The Anatomy of Nazism, a booklet published and distributed by the Zionist "Anti-Defamation League" of B'nai B'rith, stated: "The process of brutalization did not end with the mass murders themselves. Large quantities of soap were manufactured from the corpses of those murdered." [24]

A detailed 1981 work, Hitler's Death Camps, repeated the soap story in lurid detail. While noting that "some historians claim that the Nazi manufacture of soap from human fat is just a grim rumor," author Konnilyn Feig nevertheless accepted the story because "most East European camp scholars ... validate the soap stories, and other kinds of bars made from humans are displayed in Eastern Europe -- I have seen many over the years." [25]

New York Rabbi Arthur Schneier repeated the tale at the opening ceremony of the largest Holocaust meeting in history. In his invocation to the "American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors," held in Washington in April 1983, the Rabbi solemnly declared: "We remember the bars of soap with the initials RJF -- Rein jüdisches Fett, Pure Jewish Fat -- made from the bodies of our loved ones." [26]

In spite of all the apparently impressive evidence, the charge that the Germans manufactured soap from human beings is a falsehood, as Holocaust historians are now belatedly acknowledging. The "RIF" soap bar initials that supposedly stood for "Pure Jewish Fat" actually indicated nothing more sinister than "Reich Center for Industrial Fat Provisioning" ("Reichsstelle für Industrielle Fettversorgung"), a German agency responsible for wartime production and distribution of soap and washing products. RIF soap was a poor quality substitute that contained no fat at all, human or otherwise. [27]

Shortly after the war the public prosecutor's office of Flensburg, Germany, began legal proceedings against Dr. Rudolf Spanner for his alleged role in producing human soap at the Danzig Institute. But after an investigation the charge was quietly dropped. In a January 1968 letter, the office stated that its inquiry had determined that no soap from human corpses was made at the Danzig Institute during the war. [28]

More recently, Jewish historian Walter Laqueur "denied established history" by acknowledging in his 1980 book, The Terrible Secret, that the human soap story has no basis in reality. [29] Gitta Sereny, another Jewish historian, noted in her book Into That Darkness: "The universally accepted story that the corpses were used to make soap and fertilizer is finally refuted by the generally very reliable Ludwigsburg Central Authority for Investigation into Nazi Crimes." [30] Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of modern Jewish history, similarly "rewrote history" when she confirmed in 1981: "The fact is that the Nazis never used the bodies of Jews, or for that matter anyone else, for the production of soap." [31]

In April 1990, professor Yehuda Bauer of Israel's Hebrew University, regarded as a leading Holocaust historian, as well as Shmuel Krakowski, archives director of Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust center, confirmed that the human soap story is not true. Camp inmates "were prepared to believe any horror stories about their persecutors," Bauer said. At the same time, though, he had the chutzpah to blame the legend on "the Nazis." [32]

In fact, blame for the soap story lies rather with individuals such as Simon Wiesenthal and Stephen Wise, organizations like the World Jewish Congress, and the victorious Allied powers, none of whom has ever apologized for promoting this vile falsehood.

Why did Bauer and Krakowski decide that this was the appropriate time to officially abandon the soap story? Krakowski himself hints that a large part of the motivation for this "tactical retreat" has been to save what's left of the sinking Holocaust ship by throwing overboard the most obvious falsehoods. In the face of the growing Revisionist challenge, easily demonstrable falsehoods like the soap story have become dangerous embarrassments because they raise doubts about the entire Holocaust legend. As Krakowski put it: "Historians have concluded that soap was not made from human fat. When so many people deny the Holocaust ever happened, why give them something to use against the truth?" [33]

The bad faith of those making this calculated and belated concession to truth is shown by their failure to note that the soap myth was authoritatively "confirmed" at Nuremberg, and by their unwillingness to deal with the implications of that confirmation for the credibility of the Tribunal and other supposedly trustworthy authorities in establishing other, more fundamental aspects of the Holocaust story.

The striking contrast between the prompt postwar disavowal by the British government of the infamous "human soap" lie of the First World War, and the way in which a similarly baseless propaganda story from the Second World War was officially endorsed by the victorious Allied powers and then authoritatively maintained for so many years not only points up the dispiriting lack of integrity on the part of so many Western historians, but underscores the general decline in Western ethical standards during this century.

The "human soap" story demonstrates anew the tremendous impact that a wartime rumor, no matter how fantastic, can have once it has taken hold, particularly when it is disseminated as a propaganda lie by influential individuals and powerful organizations. That so many intelligent and otherwise thoughtful people could ever have seriously believed that the Germans distributed bars of soap brazenly labeled with letters indicating that they were manufactured from Jewish corpses shows how readily even the most absurd Holocaust fables can be — and are — accepted as fact.

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