martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012

AntiNWO "Gatekeepers"

I'm sure that antisemitism is a trap (and the real gatekeeper) to keep us divided & bitching about Israel the whole day instead of focused on the many important topics: engineered financial crises, social reengineering (the many sexual liberation movements), population reduction, climate manipulation & demonic control of the world politics & mind of the people (by the so called "reptilians", "aliens", "gods", "masters", "the virgin", etc. I've known about this entities even before I learnt English or heard talk of David Icke)

With antisemitism they have the excuse to control indepedent media and to persecute people while at the same time they gain strenght and support from the uninformed sheeple. (zionist christians & the likes of them)

They also sow distrust: during the past days I've read that now almost every other independent thinker is "controlled opposition" I have read mentioned the names of Alex Jones, David Icke, George Noory, Mike Rivero, Jeff Rense, Terence McKenna, Graham Hancock, Zahi Hawass as examples of "gatekeepers".

So, should we stop listening to them and going back to watch tv? Who said the aforementioned people are perfect or guides? Like any other source of info we must take it, their info, with scepticism and verify the facts. (i.e. Graham Hancock has a wonderful knowledge of conciousness, but he's totally wrong in his theory of a lost civilization, yes I verified it)

When I hear things like "Why doesn't Alex Jones go to bullhorn at the gates of AIPAC?" well I wonder Why don't they go and do it? Some hosts are too focused on Alex Jones and that looks suspicious to me. They demand from a sector of the antiNWO movement violence & antisemitism. I think they just want to give the Gov. a justification for repression.

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